Dream On Pt. 1 - Jotaro x Reader (feat. SDC)

Start from the beginning

Although Y/N thought the woman was a quack, she had played her cards close to the vest with both her father and the mental professional.  At least the sessions allowed her time away from her overprotective bubble and served to amuse her momentarily.  Eventually, if it would benefit her, Y/N would reveal to her father key things the therapist had said that he would disapprove of, but not yet. 

She didn't want the sessions to end, probably until the end of the school year.  When she graduated she would see what came next.  She was praying for a loosening of the reins, so to speak.  If that was the case, she would end the sessions.  Hopefully she would have the ability to draw her own line, but if not she would share enough details to cause her father to end them. 

Jotting down the details of her dream, Y/N realized it really wasn't exactly a dream.  It was more like an action movie poster in her mind, the background blurred so that the eye focused on the five men and their dog. 

She giggled to herself, imagining taglines in the 'movie guy' voice.  This was the part of writing out her dreams she enjoyed, the springboard it provided for her imagination.  It only creeped her out when she revisited her writing to compare it to what occurred in the waking world.  Dreams aren't meant to come true; not so literally.

Reading through what she wrote, she realized how absurdly attractive and built the group had been.  Five muscular bad asses dressed rather oddly in the wasteland of her frustrated mind?  Maybe it was the product of sexual repression after all? 

Honestly, if that grouping of men existed in real life they would be unbelievable.  Five hot, muscular men in one friend group?  No, she shook her head in disbelief.  The group were varied in age: one gray and old, a couple seemed to be in their twenties give or take, and two seemed to be about her age.  What would that configuration of men have in common that they would hang out with someone's dog?  Seems unlikely.

Attempting to embrace the idea that this was the result of her lack of 'action' in her life, Y/N laid back down and tried to mentally picture each man.  She wasn't into the 'older man' trope.  She had heard girls at school talk about getting an older sugar daddy, but it had never appealed to her.  He was very attractive for an older gentleman, but she didn't think it was some hidden tidbit about her inner workings. 

The younger men that seemed a bit older than her weren't really her thing either.  Although attractive and clearly fit, they just weren't the types that would catch her eye in that way.  The two that seemed to be about her age did intrigue Y/N.  As she picked at the edges of this fact, she made her mind picture each in turn. 

Like an old projector shining its images against the screen of her closed eyelids, she pictured the redhead.  His hair was styled in an interesting manner, violet eyes seeming to hold the hope of the world.  His face appeared to express determination and gentleness simultaneously.  He was beautiful, but this was not the type she would suggest as attractive to her on sight alone.

The other young man had half his face hidden behind a strange hat.  Her mind was something indeed; she couldn't tell where the hat ended and the silky black hair began.  For some reason he reminded her of the older man, maybe a relative.  His build was very similar; hard to tell though with his big black coat obstructing the view. 

Of the five, this young man was the most intriguing to Y/N.  She decided it was because he was the most mysterious.  Each of the other men seemed to wear their personalities in their expressions and the way they carried themselves.  But the one hidden behind his headgear was an enigma. 

Sighing, Y/N rolled onto her side, giving into sleep relatively quickly.  When she woke she forgot about the men of her dreams, dismissed as the mental ramblings of her psyche.  And it stayed that way until the week before the trip.

One and Done:  Sweets and Lemons  (JJBA one shots)Where stories live. Discover now