Chapter 34

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Seokjin's POV

"Come here, my sweetheart." I smother Nabi's face with kisses as I take her out of the baby seat in the back of my car.

She lets out high-pitched giggling noises that have my heart melting. She indeed is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hate leaving her at daycare every day but unfortunately, I don't have any other choice.

My parents stopped talking to me after they found out I got pregnant from the alpha with no intentions of mating me. I haven't seen them since Nabi was born so I'm all on my own.

"Dada will come for you later, my cutie pie." I tickle her stomach as her caregiver holds her tenderly. "Thank you, Miss Choi."

"We'll see you in the evening, Mr. Kim." The female beta smiles at me and I leave my baby girl with a heavy heart.

I'm on my way to my car when I hear a familiar voice. "Thank you. No, I'm his uncle. His parents will pick him up later."

I glance at a tall man with a tiny pup in his arms. It takes me a moment to realize that alpha is none other than Kim Namjoon.

I cross arms over my chest and watch him awkwardly hold the boy who seems even smaller than Nabi. The pup keeps crying like he's being cut and the alpha looks like he doesn't really appreciate it.

"Just... just take him." He passes the boy to the male caregiver and takes a quick step back. "Thank you."

He rushes away as if afraid someone will chase him, and honestly, it's just hilarious.

"The last time we met I got a feeling you were good with children, but seems like I was mistaken." I call out the alpha who stops in his tracks and turns to me with a surprised expression.

"Seokjin?" He slightly straightens his posture and composes himself. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Considering that I'm the one with a child, I should be saying that."

He chuckles and his alluring dimples are instantly on the display. I didn't notice that he had dimples last time. It's quite breathtaking. He must have omegas throwing themselves at him 24/7.

"Oh, that's my neighbor's kid. He's a good pup overall, but not to me. I don't think he's my big fan."

"Wow, does the COO of the leading auto industry have time to drop off his neighbor's child at the daycare?"

Namjoon has now approached me and we stand just a foot away from each other. His hazelnut scent tickles my senses and I have to admit it isn't the worst smell.

"I can find time for anything if I want to. Plus, his parents are our employees, and I'm well aware that they're busy working on one project, which requires them to leave for work an hour earlier than usual. The least I can do is drop off their kid at daycare. I suggested myself."

I try not to show it, but I'm impressed by his generosity. Not many men in such high position would do such mundane thing as help out their employees like that.

"Oh, I see." I clear my throat. "I guess we might often meet if you keep dropping off the little devil."

He laughs and I'm enchanted and slightly taken aback by how beautiful is the sound.

"That's a perfect initiative for me to keep doing it."


I can't lie and say my wolf isn't flustered because he fucking is. But I'm not gonna blush like a teenager with his first crush so I shrug his flirty words.

"It's quite fortunate that we met, I was going to pay a visit to your dearest boss and his boyfriend."

After the bomb Jimin dropped on me yesterday, I couldn't think about anything else.

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