"Hey," he smiles, "You look great."

"Hey, thank you," I can feel my cheeks warm, "Let me just grab my purse."

I step away from the door and grab my purse from one the command hooks on the wall then follow him to his car.

He opens the passenger door for me.

"Thank you," I nod at him as I get into the low sitting Mustang.

I take a deep breath as he shuts the door and walks around the car to the drivers seat.

Just go have fun, Kenzie, it's just a fun night out....with a cute guy.


Oookay I've had a bit too much to drink, but I needed it because I am and was so nervous.

It's also way more obvious now that this is definitely a date and a pretty good one so far.

I've been leaning back against him while we watch his friends band, both of us swaying to the music, his arms wrapped around my waist. He keeps paying for both of our drinks, even thought I keep offering to buy a round.

"Let's go outside for a sec," Dylan whispers in my ear as the band leaves the stage. I nod as his hand finds mine and he leads us out to the patio.

We find a free table over in the corner, both sliding into the bench side, "Thank you for inviting me, I'm having a lot of fun."

"I'm glad you came," he smirks taking a sip of his beer as his hand finds my thigh. My heart rapidly beats against my chest.

It's been a while since I've been on a date. When I transferred to UCLA I was too focused on dance and showing my mother that the transfer was a good choice. So while I focused on dance and school I kinda forgot about dating. But I like this, the excitement of a first date, the flirting, the little touches. It's exciting.

"Your friends were really good! Their Blank Space cover was amazing!" They mainly play pop punk music so it was really cool to hear such a poppy song with more of a rock influence.

"Last time I saw them they did Emotions by Mariah Carey and it was crazy," Dylan starts to pull his phone from the pocket of his jeans, "I think I have a video."

Dylan finds the video, so I scoot closer to him while we watch it.

"They're so good," I say looking over at him as the video ends, "You may have gotten them a new groupie tonight."

"Damn, I'm loosing you to another guy after one date," he teases.

I laugh right as the band walks up to our table.

"Mikey!" Dylan cheers standing up. It's the guy who was on the drums. The two of them share a high-five and hug.

"This is Kenzie," Dylan introduces me.

"Hi," I wave at them all.

"Kenzie, this is Mikey, Jett, Tony and Ruben," Dylan points at the drummer, then the guitarist, the lead singer and finally the bassist.

"What did you think?" Jett asks as we all sit around the table again.

"You guys are incredible!" I smile at him, "Dylan showed me your guys' cover of Emotions! Amazing!"

"Thank you," Jett smiles like he already knows he's the shit. It makes me kinda cringe on the inside.

Dylan and Mikey fall into their own conversation catching up. I hear parts of the conversation, evidently they went to high school together.

I just sit and listen to the boys around me talk while I sip on my drink.

"So," Jett says sliding next to me after he and Ruben go to get more drinks, "You and Dyl?"

Dylan's disappeared to the bathroom.

"What about us?" I ask suddenly feeling very sober. Something about this guy makes me want to run. He looks like Coachella circa 2016 threw up a member of Mötley Crüe and he kinda smells like cigarettes.

"Are you two dating? Just sleeping together?"

"Wow," a bit straight forward there, "Uhm how about it's none of your business."

"Feisty," he smirks taking a sip of his beer.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom," I say sliding out of the booth on the other side.

I make my way through the crowded bar. I just need a second alone, and maybe a water.

"Makenzie?" Dylan's voice makes me stop and look up at him. He's walking out of the hallway where the bathrooms are.

"Hey," I force a smile, "I'm gonna hit the bathroom, I'll be back out there in a second."

"You good?" He asks obviously skeptical.

"Yeah," I smile at him, "I think I just might need to cut myself off," I chuckle.

"I'll grab you a water?"

"Yes please, thank you."

After a long wait for the bathroom and cautiously using the sticky bar bathroom, I make my way back out to the table.

"Hey," Dylan smiles at me, "We're gonna head back to the boy's place to just hang out, you wanna come?"

"Sure," I shrug. Maybe getting out of the crowded bar will make me relax a bit.

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