He was about to walk again until she stepped in front of him, halting all movement. "Do you still have feelings for her?" She looked up at him wanting an honest answer.

"Feelings for who?" His arms stretched out on both sides as both of his shoulders scrunched upward.

"Stop playing stupid and answer the damn question!" She raised her voice and viciously spoke to him.

"How the fuck can I play stupid when I don't even know who the fuck you're talking about?" He asked her with venom in his tone.

Sakura hated when he played dumb! He knows good & damn well who the fuck she's talking about but she didn't have the patience to play his game.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't have feelings for Hinata." Her eyes glimmered with sadness and Naruto was shocked at how soft she was speaking.

"I don't have feelings for Hinata." He told her with complete honesty as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her comfortably in his strong arms.

Technically, he wasn't lying. He doesn't have feelings for 'Hinata'. All of his feelings are geared towards Sugar Pop.

Sakura's fears were put to rest. Now she knows their relationship is secured.
Once the 3 of them were in the car Naruto explained how he was gonna drop the girls back off at the house, while he went and spent some time with Sasuke & though Sakura was indifferent, she had no other choice but to agree.
Sasuke opened the door expecting some lip action but when he walked right past him, he twisted his face into a befuddled expression.

"Did you bring some blow?"
Sasuke shut the door and turned around to look at him for a sec. He waited for him to react to the lighted candles around the room with rose petals leading to the bed.

But he never did, his mind seemed to be elsewhere & this made the raven's gaze sadly drop to the carpet in the room.

He quickly returned his gaze and walked over to him before sighing. "-"

The tall muscled blond spoke again. "Did you bring it?" He rolled his eyes and opened the drawer and grabbed the coke inside the small baggy & launched it at his strong chest.

Sasuke silently scoffed, his chest grew tight and his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach.

The corners of his mouth dropped and he plodded over to the chair & slowly sat in the seat. "It's because she's back isn't it?" He sorrowfully asked loud enough for the careless blond to hear him.

"Why the fuck is it so dark in here?"
He got up and flickered the lights on before returning to the spot on the bed. "And yeah. We're working things out... so this is ending."

Sasuke's worst fear manifested. "No." He simply told him & the whiskered man peered over at him. "What?" He replied.

"I said no!" His best friend found his tone offensive, so he stood and dug his hands into his sweats.

"Sasuke, this is ending! I don't want shit standing in the way of me and my Sugar Pop." He sedately told him, meanly.

"You 2 haven't spoken for a whole year!" Sasuke shot up to his feet. "She's over you! She wants nothing to do with you!" He shouted and pushed him.

"No, the fuck she isn't!" He pushed him back and returned the shout. "Stop trying to make me change my decision."

Just when he was about to walk out Sasuke rushed to the door. "Do you even hear yourself right now?"

There was a moment of silence for a minute as dark blue eyes stared into black ones. Neither of them spoke, they simply just quietly stared at each other.

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