Healing Hug

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*I don't know how long we've been falling down but after awhile we land in a pile of miscellaneous things.*

Susie: "L...Looks like this trash saved us. C'mon"

*Me and ralsei get out of the trash unscathed while Susie still remains on for some reason...*

Susie: "Haha, who's king of the trash pile now?!"

*She laughs. Not sure why she's happy about this but I'm not gonna question, Until...*

Susie: WOAH!

*Susie slips from the pile and manages to land on the ground in a three-point landing.*

Susie: "...Ow!"

Ralsei: "Susie, are you alright?"

*She stands up*

Susie: "... Heh, It's nothing."

*She then suddenly hits the ground.*

Susie: "Ah, Ow..."

Ralsei: "Are you sure you don't want me to look?"

Susie: "L-Look at what? I'm fine!"

*She clearly wasn't fine. She tries to stand up but to no prevail. But suddenly, Ralsei hugs Susie.*


*Susie gained some HP BACK.*

Ralsei: "Feel better?"


*She stops mid sentence and realizes that she's not in pain anymore*

Susie: "Umm... doesn't feel Worse, I guess."


"How do you do that, anyway?"

"That... Healing... Thingy."

Ralsei: "Oh, Healing magic? It's simple, Susie. Anyone can do it."

"I could even teach you, If you're interested."

Susie: "Heh, ask me again when it's, like, blood explosion magic."


"But, um, If you WANTED, I guess I could learn it."

"Then you wouldn't. Y'know, have to annoy me with it anymore."

Ralsei: "Sure, Susie. Next time we have a break!"

*Susie then walks up to me*

Susie (whispering): (Let's just go already, Kris...)

*We get going and find a split path.*

Ralsei: "There's a fork in the path... Kris, it seems like..."

"It might be advantageous if we split up."

"Who do you want to go with?"

*This is pretty obvious... it's-*

Susie: "Hey, Why does Kris get to chose all the time?"

*Susie suddenly gets close to Ralsei and grabs his hand.*

Susie: "Ralsei, You're going with me!"

Ralsei: "H-Huh?! K-Kris, I...!!

*They take off leavening me behind...*

*I wasn't expecting Susie to take Ralsei like that but I guess I'm going to have and put up with it for now. I walk to the other path and search the rest of the city...*

It started with a sleepover 💕(Kris X Ralsei)Where stories live. Discover now