The suprise in the castle

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"We go into the castle and go to the right to appear in front of some rooms"

Ralsei: "I... have a surprise for you two...!" he says in a blush.
"I made rooms for you in the castle!"

Susie: "...rooms?"

Ralsei: "So you can stay here whenever you want! Umm, I'd be happy if this place... Could be like a second home for you two. A place that you can go... no matter what's happening outside."

Susie: "heh, well, we'll take a look."

*We go into lancer's room first since it's the closest*

*We enter his room with a weird squish noise, it's a bit weird.

Lancer: "This is the best room ever!!! How'd you know what I like??"

Ralsei: Err, I just sort of, had a hunch...

Lancer: "The Quasimodo of kindness, people!!! It's even better then I remember! I even have my own bed now!!! Now I don't have to sleep In a hole anymore!!!

Ralsei: I thought you already had a bed...

Lancer: no, that was for the bike.

*We decide to leave lancer in peace. Next was Susie's room, we walk in and it was all pink and black with things that Susie looked she'll enjoy.*

Ralsei: "And this is your room, Susie. U, I tried to make it something you'd like, but... you can put anything else you want in here,Too! I really hope you like it!"

* Susie takes a look around the room checking it out*

Susie: "My own room, huh... I... guess that's pretty cool? My own room... like this."

"How long did it, uh, take you to do this?"

Ralsei: "Well, er, since I last saw you two, I.."

*She came over too Ralsei and gave him a punch on the shoulder*

Susie: "Man, you're a real weenie, y'know that? Heheheh..."

Ralsei: (I think she likes it, Kris!) she says in a whispered voice.

Susie: (Haha, jealous I got the Cool room? Look, kris!) she also whispers to me.

*Next, was a boarded up door that had an up symbol on it.*

Susie: "Hey, Ralsei, what's up here?"

Ralsei: "oh, Just more rooms I'm renovating!"

Susie: "So... your room is up there?"

Ralsei: "Er, yes! I still have some tidying up to do..."

Susie: "Yeah, like we need to see your nerdy glasses collection anyway."
"So, what do we do now"

Ralsei: "feel free to explore the town until you're ready to leave!"

Susie: Hah! Like we're gonna leave now, right, Kris?

*I suggested that we could around at the shops before we leave and Susie agreed*

Susie: "Hell yeah, now we're talking, Kris! Let's go steal some food, I'm starving."

*he said while leaving. I was about to join her until I heard a voice call my name.*

Ralsei: "hey Kris, I... don't mean to stop you but you haven't checked your room yet, and I want to see if you like it or not."

*Oh yeah, I forgot about my room I check out the blue door that I glanced over. And I look inside to see: a black and blue room that has star stickers on the ceiling that glow. It looks... amazing. I can't believe Ralsei made all of this just for me.*

Ralsei: "judging by your reaction, I'm assuming you like it."

*I nod in agreement with my still shocked expression, I really couldn't thank Ralsei enough for this. It's probably the best thing anyone has done for me.*

Ralsei: I'm glad you like it, Kris! It really me happy to hear that.

*I hugged him while he was talking, it was my only way of saying thank you without breaking down into tears. I kindly say thank you to Ralsei for all of this. She looked surprised*

Ralsei: "Oh! Um... Your w-welcome, Kris. I'm... glad you like it." He says with a blush on his face.
"I think we should check on Susie to see hasn't broken anything."

*I agree and we were about to leave until I saw something on my bed, it was the manual that was in Susie's room but, there was a note sticking out of the book. I look back to see Ralsei already left so, I go to the bed and get the note out of the book and read it:

   Dear Kris,
I hope you like this room I made for you. I made this rooms for you and Susie because I wanted to make you guys welcome to the Dark World. I hope you find this note and enjoy your room.
Love, Ralsei

*I finished the note with a smile on my face. I put the note in my pocket and leave the room.*

It started with a sleepover 💕(Kris X Ralsei)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें