Cool, read what?

Pride and Prejudice

Why's that?

I need my Mr Darcy fix

Is Pride and Prejudice your favourite book?

It's up there, yeah.

There's a very long pause.

Are you free this weekend?

The breath hitches in my throat as more messages come through.

It's okay if you're not.

I was just wondering.

I hesitate for a moment.

Yeah, I'm free, why?

Great. I'll pick you up on Saturday at eight.

I sit up.


Yep. Is that a problem?

I shake my head and smile to myself.

No, not at all.

Great. I'll see you then.

Actually I'll see you before then, there's two more school days to go.

A beat goes by, and I can practically see him smiling through the screen.

Goodnight, Austen.

Goodnight Turner.


Two days fly by and now it's almost eight on a Saturday morning, and I didn't think my brother could get more aggravating.

"Just tell me where you're going, it isn't that hard."

"I've told you. I. don't. Know." I'm telling the truth, Joseph has flat out refused to tell me. Xavier follows me round the kitchen complaining while I block him out and check my phone.

"How are you going away for a weekend, without knowing where you're going."

"Like I said last night, Ava said it was a surprise." I had to get Ava to cover for me, and she only agreed on the condition that I tell her everything when I'm home. My phone vibrates in my hand, and It's from Joseph telling me that he's parked down the road, just like I instructed him to do. I grab my bag and head for the door. "Look, I've got to go now, go back to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." I slam the door shut before he can protest and run down the road until I see Joseph's car. I open the passenger door and when he sees me, he smiles.

"Good morning Jane." I sit down in the seat and clap my hands together excitedly.

"So, where are we off to then?" Joseph chuckles and turns the car on, pulling out of the space and starts driving down the road.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out, buttercup." I scrunch my nose up in confusion.

"Buttercup?" He nods and drums his fingers on the steering wheel. "Why?" He shrugs his shoulders.

He stays silent but smiles, which causes me to smile too.

"Pick a name and stick to it, Turner."

"Okay buttercup." I smile again as my phone buzzes, and I see it's from Xavier. I notice Joseph glance over at me when I put my phone away frustratedly.

"Who was that?" he asks cautiously and I roll my eyes.


"Xavier?" He repeats and I see him grip the steering wheel tighter and I laugh to myself.

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