Chapter 17

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Avia's pov.

"Luxe stop" I tell her when she starts kicking the back of my seat again. "Mommy want out" she whines and continues to kick my seat. "If you keep kicking the seat I'm going to pop you" I tell her while looking at her through the rear view making her pout and sit back in her seat.

"Vi, go swim now?" Sawyer asks. "Yes we're going swimming now are you excited?" I ask him making him nod and stare out the window. "Mama iPad?" Luxe asks making Aaron reach into her diaper bag and pull out her iPad before handing it to her.

We have been in the car for about 25 minutes now and we still have 30 more to go, giving them all something to do will help the time fly by. "Me too!" Sawyer says once he sees Luxe's iPad making Arron hand both him and Dawson their iPads.

"Luxe stay on Disney+ this time or I'm taking it" I tell the toddler making her nod her head before putting her pacifier in her mouth and watching her no volume show. The last time we let her watch tv on her iPad, we caught her on Netflix watching sex education. Big no.

"Noo!" Luxe yells from the back seat before she once again begins to kick my seat. "Why is she whining again?" I ask Aaron watching as she turns around to see what she was whining for. "Sawyer give it back" Aaron says before she reaches her hand back to take something making Sawyer cry.

"No it's not your's, your iPad is in your lap leave her's alone." Aaron says before handing Luxe back her iPad and turning around to face the front. "so just being trouble makers?" I ask making Aaron nod and let out a sigh before turning up the music.

not even 5 minutes later Luxe and Sawyer were back at it making Luxe kick my seat once again. "babe" I say making Aaron turn around once again, "Sawyer stop it, give it back" Aaron says and waits a few seconds before I hear something drop.

"do you need me to pull over?" I ask her making her nod and sawyer whines. About 2 minutes later we were parked in front of a gas station. "mommy out.." Luxe whines and try's to unbuckle her seatbelt. "hold on I'm coming" I say before both me and Aaron get out.

"Dawson do you want to come with me, let's go get some candy" I say trying to leave sawyer with Aaron alone for a few minutes. I get Luxe settled on my hip before I hold Dawsons and as we make our way into the gas station.

"dat, want dat" Dawson says excitedly pointing to a small pack of gummy bears. "get it bubba" I say and set Luxe down letting her pick out a candy while I get something for sawyer. "No no, wait til we buy it before we eat it bubs" I tell Dawson just as he goes to open some gummies.

"I wait!" He says before holding my hand and waiting for luxe to pick her candy. "mommy dat" luxe says pointing at a small pack of large smarties. "are you sure that's what you want?" I ask her making her nod and make grabby hands for it.

"ok I'll get it, but don't throw it away" I tell her picking her up and making my way to the counter to pay. "Thank chu!" Dawson yells before grabbing onto my hand while we walk out to the car, luxe on the other hand was trying to get her candy.

after I get the babies back buckled in there car seat I get into the passenger putting on my seatbelt.a few minutes later a sniffling Sawyer comes back and Aaron helps him in his seat before getting into the drivers seat once again starting up our ride to the indoor pool.

"Mama wook!" Luxe yells at Aaron while splashing the pool water around and above her head. "I see baby!" Aaron yells back while splashing the water a little less chaotic.

"I'll be right back im going to get some of the dipping dots" I tell Aaron making her nod before I walk off to get the delicious ice cream. Getting to the front of the line I get a medium cookies in cream before making my way back to our seats.

"Can I have some" Aaron asks making me playful roll my eyes and hand her the ice cream letting her take few bites with my spoon before she gives it back. "Sawyer no!" I yell when I see him trying to go deeper in the water making him pout and run back to his brother.

Continuing to eat my ice cream I watch the kids play with Aaron occasionally tackling her making me smile and snap a few photos. That is until they announced the waves would turn on soon.

While Sawyer and Dawson were excited Luxe was not, Aaron signaled for me to come in making me get up and move into the water taking Luxe for her as I make my way in. "Mommy no" she whines as the waves begin to start.

Aaron has both the twins on either hip and has moved further into the water so the waves come up higher while Luxe continues to whine and cling onto my bikini top in a death grip.

"Look Lu the water doesn't hurt you" I say running my hand over one of the waves as it passes. after a few minutes she finally allows me to set her back into the water and the begins to enjoy the waves.

Until she didn't, one of the waves was a little high and ended up coming over her head. And once the water was off she screamed bloody murdee making me pull her out of the water and make my way from the pool.

"shhh, I know baby mommy's sorry" I coo while drying off her body and her tears from her face. Luxe continues to cry shoving her face into my neck.

Bad pool days happen what else can happen and be worse than this??

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