Chapter 14

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Avia's Pov.

The movie had just finished and everyone enjoyed there time, even if there was more popcorn on the floor than in the kids mouth.

"Lu and Junebug, get your trays and let's go throw them away" I hear Aaron say, before I see Luxe dumping a bowl of popcorn on the floor then stomping on them. "Luxe Nickloe Anderson!" I say making her look up at me and start crying.

"No ma'am you don't get to do that then cry" I tell her and take her hand following behind everyone to get out of the theater. "Wan mommy..." Luxe crys. "No you don't , you want to get out of trouble." I tell her and move her so she's on my hip.

She results to laying her head on my shoulder and sobbing and rubbing her eyes. "It is way past her nap time Avia" I hear mama say making me nod my head and pat Luxe's back. "She was nodding off towards the end of the movie too." I add and continue to comfort Luxe.

"Aunt via, we go eat eat?" June asks when we stop at the bathroom. "Yes bug we're gonna go eat eat, do you want Copelands or O' Charlie's?" I tell June then ask nana and Aaron.

"Definitely O' Charlie's so the girls will eat." Nana says making me nod then give Luxe to Aaron before entering the bathroom stall. While doing my business I hear Luxe fighting her diaper change making me roll my eyes and pull my jeans up.

"Stop it, you don't try and kick me" I hear Aaron say before I hear a pop and Luxe's crys echo the bathroom. I walk out of the stall and wash my hands before waiting for them to come out of the stall with the changing table.

When the stall opened Aaron walked out holding Luxe's hand taking her to the sink. "Noo.., mama..." I hear her say, "no wash your hands then I'll hold you" I say making her cry more but she lets Aaron wash her hands.

As soon as her hands were dry she ran into my arms and buried her head in my neck. "She needs a N. A. P" Aaron says referring to Luxe making me nod my head. "I'll sit in the back this time so she doesn't have another fit." I say as we make our way to the car.

It took a full 15 minutes to get from the movies to the restaurant, in which Luxe whines the whole time. "I'll go and check the wait you guys stay here." I hear papa say making everyone agree.

I unbuckle Luxe and June before moving them to sit in my lap and handing June my phone. Luxe immediately goes for my boobs pulling her hands down my shirt. "Hold on bubs" I tell her and readjust her before pulling up my shirt and helping her latch on.

June finds a movie and lays back on my other side before man spreading her legs and putting her fingers into the mouth watching the movie. "They said 30 minutes" papa says getting back into the car. "Thanks papa,did you get the buzzer?" I ask him making him nod and show it to us.

I run my fingers through junes, semi wavy hair and kiss her forehead while simultaneously patting Luxe's bum with my other hand. Her diaper was a little wet, but it was to be expected when she got a slushie to share with June.

"Babe can you hand me a pacifier she's falling asleep on my nipple" I ask Aaron while put my fingering in Luxe's mouth to break her latch, before fixing my bra and pulling my shirt down.

I make quick work of replacing my finger with her pacifier before handing her to Aaron and watching as she immediately buries into her. Jude takes the opportunity to move so she's straddling my lap with her head against my breast while watching her show.

Luxe and June are actually around the same age, they also have to same condition so i doesn't feel uncomfortable or unatural when they do come out of there headspace's, though Luxe is slightly younger her her headspace.

Because of that sometimes we all come together and have little outings every once in a while. At out last outing, Luxe and June talked about their dynamics together and June said that she was interested in nursing.

But we found out that Franky wasn't, so we came up with the solution that I will sometimes let June nurse from me, and she can still alternate between my milk and whole milk when I'm not there.

After about 15 minutes we're in the restaurant sitting at the table, June sat on my lap while Luxe stays asleep on Aaron with her pacifier and blanket. "I don't want dat!" June yells and starts kicking her legs while trying to take her menu from nana.

"June, stop you have to pick something up off your menu to eat" Nana tells her. "And don't yell at her like that, you don't want mama yelling at you." I tell her before sitting her up so she can answers Nana's question. "Now do you want chicken tenders or Macaroni?" She asks again.

" fries peaz " she says pointing at the picture on the bigger menu, "ok junebug, you want some Mac Mac with your fries?" Nana asks making her nod and turn around to lay her head down on my breast.

"Nuk?" June asks, I turn to look through the diaper bag before grabbing her nuk and placing it in her mouth.  "Junebug are you sleepy?" I ask when I see her pacifier bobbing in her mouth at a slow pace and her eyes drooping.  Of course she shakes her head turns the other way so I can't see her face.

The waiter came to take out orders before refilling our drinks and giving us some more bread rolls. " June can you sit with nana so auntie via can go to the bathroom?" I say making June nod. I pass her to mama then hurry to the bathroom to relieve myself.

Before I leave I wash my hands and dry them with a paper towel and make my way to my seat. "Luxe baby I'm not mama" I hear Aaron say as I see Luxe trying to reach down her shirt. "Lu mommy doesn't have milk " I tell her before sitting down in thr booth.

To my surprise the food had already been brought out and so was a refill of our drinks. "Ma ma ma ma" I hear Luxe whine while reaching for me masking me take her out of Aaron's arms. As soon as she in my lap she her pacifier drops from her mouth and her hands go down my shirt.

"Can you pass me the cover up out of the bag?" I ask Aaron while adjusting Luxe before helping her latch on to my boob. "Yeah, here you go" she says handing me the thin fabric to which I put over myself so Luxe can nurse.

I drink some of my coke before beginning to eat my chicken and shrimp pasta in medium sized bites. " by the time we finish it's going to be time to go to bed" I hear Nana say making me nod my head agreeing.

Oh boy can't wait til tomorrow...

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