Chapter 16

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Avia's pov

"Ok bubs bath time" I say turning on the water in the shower after I have it running I go back into the bed room to find the outfits for today. Laying Dawson on the bed I begin to take off his onesie and pamper.

Ofcourse he whine from the cold air that surrounds the room. "I know bubs but we have to shower" I tell him removing his bottle from his hands and mouth replacing it with a pacifier.

Of course he huffs as his bottle was taken from him, but once I pick him up he cuddles into me and relaxes some. "Mama?" Dawson asks right as we step into the shower. "We can call mama when we get out ok?" I tell him making him pout but nod.

After our shower I went straight into getting myself and Dawson dressed, hoping the same was happening downstairs with Luxe and Sawyer.

After our shower I went straight into getting myself and Dawson dressed, hoping the same was happening downstairs with Luxe and Sawyer

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(Avia's outfit)

(The twins outfit)

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(The twins outfit)

Aaron's pov.

"No leave that alone!" I yell for the upteenth time this morning. Luxe and Sawyer have been hell ever since Avia went upstairs. I tried getting them ready which resulted in two tantrums and them getting away.

"Luxe keep your hands to yourself" I tell her when I see her attempt to hit Sawyer. "No, is mine!!" She screeched and pointed to a toy he was playing with.

"He's been playing with that for about 10 minutes now, you never had it." I tell her making her fall out on the floor and start another tantrum.

Sighing I let her cry it out before getting up and going over to her picking her up.  "Mommy is mine.." she whines while pointing at the toy, all it is was a stupid car with little markings on it.

"Butterfly we have to share, Sawyer was playing with it first and we can't just take things others are playing with" I explained and pace around the room rubbing her back.

"How about we get dressed and after we're done you ask Sawyer if you can play with the toy?" I state making her nod her head and lay her head on my shoulder.

"Sawyer come on" I say and watch as he grabs a few toys he was playing with before following me up the stairs into Luxe's nursery. Once I lay Luxe down I take my time getting her ready for the day making sure to move in a somewhat timely manner  since if was very clear she was tired.

 Once I lay Luxe down I take my time getting her ready for the day making sure to move in a somewhat timely manner  since if was very clear she was tired

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(Her outfit!, with the same hairstyle)

"All done butterfly" I tell Luxe. Of course she reaches to be picked up right after she hear those words and lays her head back down on my shoulder reaching her hand up to play with her own ear.

"Everything going good in here?" I hear Avia say making me nod and signal for her to take Luxe. She smiles before putting Dawson down and holding Luxe in a cradled position patting her butt.

"Sawyer your turn" I state while picking him up before laying him down on the changing table putting on the same outfit his brother has on. " call mommy?" Sawyer asks right as I set him down on the floor making me shake my head befor FaceTiming Jackie and handing him the phone.

Looking over at Avia I see her holding a pacifier in Luxe's mouth while bouncing her and pacing the room. When she catches me staring she flashes me a smile before going right back to looking at the baby.

The twins talk with Jackie for about 15 minutes before hanging up and giving me back the phone. "Alrighty, ready to go to the store?" I ask everyone, gets a series of yes's before we make our way to the car and get loaded in.

Time skip to the store.

"Sawyer, you will go back in the stroller" Avia tells the tot who keeps pulling things off the shelf.  Sawyer chooses to listen at that statement and makes his way over to Avia before holding onto her pants leg.

"Do we need any more snacks for her?" I ask after checking off half the list of things we already have in the basket. "Yea, some puffs and chips, that should be it." Avia says making me nod as we finish our shopping before going to the front and stand in the line.

"Vi, want dat!" Sawyer says pointing to a snickers bar on the shelf, "only one Sawyer, get one for Dawson too" avia tells Sawyer as she grabs some skittles for Luxe, for after her nap.

"Babe do you want anything?" She asks me making me shake my head as I scan through the items and put them in the bags, after 30 minutes everything was bagged up and in the trunk of the car with everyone loaded in.

"Stop by Jackie house, we need to get the twins swim trunks, since we didn't tell her in advance" Avia says and I start my drive to Jacquline's house.

Sorry for not being on more, I'm in high school now and nobody told me about all this homework🥲, but I have started writing the vampire agere story and I'll post it when 3 chapters are done!!

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