Chapter 13

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Luxe's Pov.

"Lu!" I hear nana yell from down the hall, I was supposed to be getting dressed so I could go with nana and papa to see the new little mermaid movie, but after nana changing my diaper I ran to go and hide.

"Lu! Come on or I'm calling your mommy!" I hear nana yell again, but she was just bluffing right? She wouldn't really call mommy. I stayed in my hiding spot for a few more minutes before I felt someone grab me.

"You little missy are in so much trouble. Your getting a pop and we might not even go and see the movie." Papa said while bringing time to the living room and handing me to nana.

Once I got in nana's lap I started my hysterics and threw myself back onto the couch. But that's didn't make papa change his mind about popping me.

" I wan' mama.." I cry while trying to run off again but I was caught by nana before I could even get past the couch. "You only want your mama because you in trouble." Nana says and lays me back on the couch.

Instead of cooperating with her while I'm getting changed I continuously tried to kick her in her thigh. "Lu if you don't stop after your spankinhbyour going straight into time out." Nana tells me.

Instead of listening though I ignore her and continue trying to kick her. Once she finished putting on my outfit. In which consisted of a shirt that said Aaliyah and some black biker shorts, with some panda dunks.

 In which consisted of a shirt that said Aaliyah and some black biker shorts, with some panda dunks

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(Her hair was done before her diaper change)

" I meant it lu, now go to papa" nana said making me shake my head and turn away from her. She got up picking me up in the process and took me to papa who was drinking his coffee.

"tell me when you got in trouble?" Papa said while setting down his coffee and taking me from nana. " cause I no 'isten " I say ans try to get down. "Ok now let's get it over with." Papa says and takes me into his and nana's room.

I only got two pops on my thighs before papa stopped and he took me back into the living and put me in the corner. In which I cried wanting my mommies.

After a few minutes of standing in the corner nana said that I could come out of the corner. I sprinted out of the corner and over to nana crawling straight into her lap and wiping my tears.

"Do you want to call mama?, she should be on her way" nana asked making me nod my head and lay on her chest. She grabbed her phone and scrolled through her contacts before I heard the phone start ringing indicating she was calling mama.

It rung a few time before I heard mama's voice come through the phone. "Hello?" She says before nana hands the phone to me and my hysterics once again start. "Oh my baby, what happened?" Mama coos from the phone.

"Papa 'op me an' put me 'imout" I say between tears. "Well then why did you get a pop?" She asks making me shrug and pout. "Yea mhm, well me and mommy will be there in a few minutes give the phone to nana." Mama tells me.

Once nana has the phone I lean back onto nana's chest while she talks to mama, while she's talking she starts bouncing me on her leg making me sleepy. "Ok nana we're about to pull in the driveway we'll be in soon." Mama says before the phone hangs up.

"Nana wan' mama.." I cry into her booby when I hear the phone hang up. " I know lovey mama is about to come into the house though" nana says trying to comfort me. She stands up and goes into the kitchen we're papa is with me on her hip and grabs some chips for me.

"And don't shove those all in your mouth, you know better" papa says right as nana opened the bag my hand already wrist deep. I roll my eyes but only put one chip in my mouth at a time.

"Nana down, I tell her when I see mommy's car pull into the drive way. "No, because your going to run and then after that your going to fall." Nana tells me making me whine. "I don't care that your mommy is here you will still get put in timeout" Nana says as soon as the door opens.

"Hey butterfly!" Mommy says while walking over to us and taking me out of nana's arms. "Hey nana" she also says and leans in giving nana a hug. "Were you good butterfly?" Mommy asks me making me nod.

"Avia should be in soon she's on the phone with a client from work." Mommy says while she smoothers my face in kisses. "That's right she did start doing nails!, how's it treating her?" Nana ask starting up a conversation with mommy.

Mama already has a job as a dentist but she also likes doing nails so she made her own nail shop somewhere in town. For her being a dentist she sure lets a lot of things slide like when I don't brush my teeth at night.

But she sometimes doesn't let me off the hook and I end up having to brush them. After a few more moments mama walked in the door still on the phone but hung up as soon as she took off her shoes.

"Hey baby!" Mama coos while taking me from mommy making me smile and cuddle into her. "Hey nana, how's your morning going" mama says hugging nana. When she pulls back she settles me on her hip.

"It's been good, the earliest movie is at 2 so we can head out now, we still have to pick up June bug" nana says while I bury into mama's neck. Her perfume smelled really good, and she always wears the same one so it's grown on me.

"Yea that's a good idea, let me transfer her car seat to the truck so it's easier." I hear mommy say and shortly after I hear a door close. "So now your mama's here you want to act like you are oh so good?" Nana asks making me keep my head in mama's neck.

"Well that's too bad because your sitting with nana when we go to get June baby" mama says making me whine and shake my head. "Your stuck with me you litte booger" nana says while trying to take me from mama, to which I pushed her hand away.

"Nana leave her be" mama says and pats my bum while walking over to papa and kissing his cheek before grabbing a cookie that he had just made. "Know don't you come here Eatting all the cookies missy" papa says while attempting to swat mama.

"Of course I would.. n't" mama says smirking before sitting on the counter with me in her lap. "Mama 'ookie" I say pointing at her cookie. "You want some of my cookie?" She asks making me nod and finally come out of my hiding space.

While me and mama enjoyed her cookie mommy had come back in with my pacifier and clipped it on my shirt before taking me out of mama's lap. "Mommy fly!" I tell her making her throw me in the air and catch me when I came back down.

I squeal in delight as she keeps doing it over and over again, "don't you drop my baby" mama tells mommy in her mean voice makinh mommy roll her eyes and put me on her hip instead. "Mommy 'er'aid in da sea!" I tell her happily making her smile.

"That's right baby, we're going to see the mermaid in the sea!" Mommy says making me smile and clap my hands, after a few seconds I wiggle to get down and run right into nana's legs when I was going to get spoody.

"And where are you going in such a rush?" Mama asked me makinh me pout. She should know I was going to get spoody it was pretty obvious. "I gwt spoody 'ease?" I say anyway, she moves and I got back to the living room to get spoody before coming back and getting back in mommy's arms.

"Alright I think we're all set to go?" Papa says grabbing the keys to the van and twirling them on his finger. "Yep all ready" mama says hopping off the counter and following papa outside.

"Welp it's time to go butterfly" mommy says giving me an Eskimo kiss before following everyone outside after closing to door behind her. "Wha' bout 'une!"I say "we're going to get her baby" mama tells me while mommy gets me in my car seat and buckled in.

After everyone was settled in the car, mama started driving and we picked up June. Me and June played a makeup game on nana's phone while we waited for our drive to be over, this movie is gonna be great!!

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