Its A....

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I waited for Aria to get home I had a surprise for her. A diamond necklace with matching earrings on a white gold base.

I heard the door open "Hey Baby!" I said walking over to shut the door behind her "How was it" I asked and smiled "It was good! It was great! Everything's fine." I frowned "Something wrong love?"

"Glenn. Please sit down" Tears gathered in her eyes so I hugged her "Hey.. What's the matter beautiful?" I asked softly "let's go sit down I have a surprise for you!" I led her to the couch

"What's the matter Ari?"

"Uhm.. Your probably gonna hate me but I-i" She broke off and swallowed "I'm pregnant" I gasped "Aria! That's wonderful news! I'm gonna be a father to two wonderful children! Wyatts gonna be a big brother!" I exclaimed

"R-really?" She looked up "Jessie said I'm around 2 months, the reason I'm not showing is because I didn't eat enough." She laughed "I don't know how Jessie knew she's a God damn magician"

"Aria!" Carl said coming in "Sophia's bleeding!" She looked startled "Where?!" He looked down "Uhm" He turned red "Her pants?"

"Oh. Glenn? Take Carl to the library and tell Sophia to come here" She said so I nodded going outside to find Sophia with a tear streaked face "Honey aria wants you" She nodded "Thanks Mr. Rhee.." She said still polite as always "Honey I've told you that you can call me Glenn or whatever you want, you could call me shithead if you want I dont care" I said causing the two teenagers to laugh


"Soph?" I heard the door open "Yeah its me Mrs. Rhee" She smiled "Am I dying?" She asked "No honey your fine" I sighed getting ready for the talk "There's this thing girls get when they turn 13 or 14. Sometimes even 15. It's called a menstrual cycle or a period, Luckily I won't get mine for a couple more months. But basically it means you can get pregnant. You get pregnant by your significant other when you have sexual intercourse" I paused "Do you know what that is?"

She shook her head "Shit." I muttered "Well when two adults love each other they sometimes want a baby. So if a girl who has a period reveals her private parts to a boy and they don't use a cover on his yknow, she will get pregnant" She nodded "Aria what'd you mean by when you said you won't get yours"

I nodded and said "I'm pregnant with your God daughter or son" She squealed "So can you help me with what I absorb the blood with?" She asked kind of embarrassed "Mhm! And don't be embarrassed, it's normal hon"

She smiled and laughed quietly "Thanks Mrs. Rhee"


"Carl!" I shouted "Come here kiddo, I gotta tell you somethin" he came running up "What is it Ari?" I grinned "I'm pregnant."

"I'm gonna be a aunt or an uncle! Again! Depends on if it's a girl!"

3 days later

I slid off my nightgown and searched for a dress or something and I gasped when I saw it.

A floral mini dress with a flowing hem "Perfect!" I put on my earrings, necklace and Ring. "Damn I'm hot." I muttered to myself looking in the mirror and bending down to get my white converse. I huffed when I coulds quite reach them "Glenn!" I yelled and he rushed in he was wearing a collared shirt with khakis "Will you put my shoes on please?" I groaned "I'm useless." He bent down and helped me get the shoes on and tied and as he came back up he kissed the small bump forming

"Any names yet love?" He asked "Yeah actually" I said "If it's a girl Harley Lori Rhee, and if it's a boy Colton Daryl Rhee" I looked down "for my parents" I smiled shyly "We better get going" I said


We arrived at the clinic where Jessie's husband Pete pulled the dress up and put the gel on my bare stomach "There's the babies!" He exclaimed

"Babies, as in plural"

"Yes their twins, Boy and a girl"

☆ We Go Down Fighting ☆ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz