Taking of the prison

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22 months. Almost 2 years since the downfall of the farm, mom had the baby, she and the little girl were okay. Glenn and I were gonna get married as soon as we were safe, Carl and Sophia were together, Amy and Maggie had a martial service and  were now wives.

"I gotta piss" daryl muttered "TMI daryl TMI.." I laughed "well imma' go piss.." He grumbled

A few minutes passed and daryl came back "hey guys come check this out" I sighed "Daryl we dont wanna see your piss.." He glared at me "no I found a prison.. Overrun but nothing we cant clear" I nodded "okay lets go"

We cleared the prison and one cell block and got settled "me and glenn are goin on a run" I announced as I was the leader of our group "Can I go!" Carl said

"Not this time" I said and he asked "why?"

"Glenn and your sister gettin' it on" T-dog said and carl cringed

"Glenny lets go!" I yelled rushing out the door.

Around 30 minutes later we arrived at an apartment complex and we went inside one finding no walkers so we looked around

"Okay what do we need?" I asked "Carol wants birth control for some reason" I muttered shrugging

"Okay to the bathroom then" we went in a bedroom and I gasped when I saw a women in the bed "Glenn!" I shouted and she looked up weakly and I walked over to her "A-are you okay?" I asked nervously

"Yeah.. I am in labor though" she said kindly "okay.. I can help with that I was in nursing school before art" I said "and I delivered my mother's baby" I added

"Thank you darling.." The woman panted "im joanna" she said

"My name is Aria can you push for me" I said and she nodded

She delivered the baby but was acting strange

"Im not gonna make it.." She said "shoot me please put me out of my misery.." She said softly smiling sadly "What would you have named him?" I asked choking on a sob for the mother "Wyatt.." She said and drew herself up closing her eyes "Do it now while i am happy" she said smiling and glenn pulled the trigger "what are we going to do glenn.." I said holding onto the newborn

"We take care of him" he said confidently even though his face was not "He is our child now Ari" He said smiling "but im only 19.." I mumbled "yeah well im only 23" he laughed a little "Wyatt.. A good name" he murmured "Wyatt James?" He asked looking for my approval and I nodded

"Wyatt James Rhee " I said and looked at his shocked face "we should head back" I muttered

When we got back to the prison everyone was shocked when we told the story and I held the child my child

"Can I hold him?" Surprisingly it was daryl "mhm" I said handing him over "Hey there little grimes.." He said rocking the little boy "Im yer' uncle daryl" he gave him a bottle of formula "yeah.. You like that?"

"My turn!" Carol said kissing her boyfriend before taking the baby from him "and im auntie carol" she said "ill beat somebodys ass if they mess with you yeah.." She said and looked down at the baby before giving him back to me

"Whats his name?" T asked

"Wyatt, Wyatt James Rhee."

Authors Note:

We have quite a few ships so imma list the ship names


Magmy (idk abt that 1)





Sopharl (that 1s funny)

And Gleria (?)

Hope you enjoyed xx

-Author <3

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