Chapter 11-August

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He saw the Applause Wilhelm got on his return to hillerska, August didn't get any. Why did Wille always come up with the good ideas. He had done Google searches Putting in 'King Wilhelm I of Sweden' said all sorts of great things like he was 'an inspiration' , 'a star', 'a good speaker' , 'meant to be king by fate' , and 'A threat to autocrats everywhere'. Wilhelm's approval rating sat at 95%, making him the most popular royal in Sweden since polling began. The worse thing is August knew who was supposed to be king, it was Erik. But fate robbed Erik of his crown. He was jealous. Especially after you put in 'Crown Prince August' it said things like 'he's boring', 'terrible speaker', 'I fell asleep during his speech', one from felice even said he was 'the worst person ever'. August's approval sat at 60%, just an average number. His wife comferted him, but it wasn't enough he needed to talk to Boris.

He went in to his office, Boris asked "how has it been". "It's awful, Wille just gets all the attention and he throws it away" he replies. "I think you are jealous of him, Krownprins" Boris says. Boris continues "It is a saying that the best leaders, never actually wanted to be leader." "So are you saying he is a better king then I would be" He retorts. "Yes, to put it bluntly, I speak to his majesty, he never wanted this especially not now, he has taken a lot of pressure and he has gotten great reviews". "Really?!" August asks sarcastically. Boris says "Yes, you have to accept that him and you are not the same, stop trying to be more popular than him, he has promised many reforms to take place after the regency ends like turning some extra palaces into museums and firing unpopular advisers like Jan Olof, he also wants to celebrate the King's official Birthday on the day he was born". Boris continues "I'm not big into fate, but I believe everything happens for a reason,including His majesty's accession". As he exited he paused considering what that meant. Could wille have been fated to be king.

His regency:A young royals story by AndrewWhere stories live. Discover now