Chapter 1-Wilhelm

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Wilhelm sat in class remembering how his mother had swept the police report against August made by Sara under the rug "we protect family she had said". Suddenly the headmistress bursts in saying "Kronprins, we need to talk". He goes to the office and finds Boris and August there "is this about the video?" He asks. "No, Her Majesty and HRH duke Ludvig were on a helicopter, there was a storm, we did everything we could but we couldn't save them, Your Majesty". He couldn't take that in, your majesty.He was king but he didn't know how to feel being King at 17.

"Do you accept the throne" she asks. He notices August with a smirk on his face. And Says "I accept the throne". August's face turns into a scowl. Jan Olof, who he hates arrived and bows to the King."What Name do you choose?" Jan Olof asks."What do you mean?" Wilhelm replies, "Your regnal name, dummy!" Replies August.

Jan Olof continues "Carl Gustav or Carl John is suggested," "Screw Tradition, I am King Wilhelm the first" Wilhelm says. "God save the king!"all people in the room chants 3 times.Jan Olof says "One more thing, since you are not yet 18, a regent will be required..." "Who is this regent?" Wilhelm asks, "August Horn of Arnas was voted in by the Court and parliament". OMG, Wilhelm thinks August will have power over him for a year. "You can't do that!" he says, "he's a child Pornographer". "Oh, come on Wille" August retorts, "this is not known outside of this room" Jan Olof says, and he continues "It is important this remains the case". "Sign these documents, sign them Wilhelm R". He looks over the documents confirming his accession and the regency and reluctantly signs Wilhelm R. August follows and Signs "August, K.P".

"Another thing," Jan Olof says, "August as the new Heir Presumtive is now Crown Prince" . Wilhelm sighs and leaves

His regency:A young royals story by AndrewWhere stories live. Discover now