Chapter 8-August

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August went to his therapy before he went he met up with Sara, he said "get a pregnancy, and paternity test" She says "I can't support it". August assured her that he'll support the baby and that he still loves her which she responds that she still loves him and that he should confess. He was unprepared for the session, before he sat down Boris said "someone told me you did something last Christmas and that you have been abusing ADHD medication"

Screw wille, he thought as he knew exactly who did this. His hands trembling he says "last Christmas, I posted a video of my cousin, HM the king having sex with Simon Eriksson". Boris asks "why won't you admit it". He says "because I'll go to jail and lose my titles".Boris says "If you admitted to it you might get less time". He saw that coming "I don't want any" he replies. Boris retorts "so then you justify your actions". "No" he trembles. "I think you should confess" Boris says . "And were you on the medication at the time"he says yes. "That can get you some time off, it makes you impulsive if you don't need it, I'll help you get off it". He drives to rehab and put August on a plan and August agress to admit after his time in hillerska ends. Just then he gets a message from Sara, it says I'm having a boy and it's yours. He immediately sends a message to the king, get Simon we need to have a court meeting. Ok, your regency wille responds.August knows that his correct title is HRH the regent and Crown prince of Sweden but who is he to correct the king especially after what he just admitted to Boris and what he just found out.

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