Chapter 4-Wilhem

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August came up to him in the halls, "what did you and Simon do", he continues "taking about character, The song". Wille says "I didn't know, what he would do with the song, But the speech was about you". August replies "you threw me off balance!". Simon comes up to him and says to august "like my song, jerk!". And August sulks away. Sara looks to be gaining a bit of a belly, he wonders if she has been eating more.

He goes to rowing practice and Vincent is being a jerk as usual. He then decides a new policy to separate the members by year into different social groups. This policy is instantly hated by everyone. And Wille begins planning another prefect coup this time against Vincent.

He attends a meeting, with everyone in forest ridge except Vincent and August . He asks "who wants Vincent out?" almost everyone raises there hand "who wants to be new prefect?". Nobody raises their hand. Suddenly Henry speaks "I nominate Wille as prefect!" A overwhelming majority of people raise their hand and it is settled, not that he even wanted it. Suddenly August walks in "what's going on here!". Walter says "we just elected Wille, new prefect". "A first year", August jeers. August whispered in his ear "now you got my old job".

Wille got to work immediately, he began equalizing the the rowing team and Forest Ridge. They began winning rowing. He sees Simon regularly and Simon has made up with Sara. 

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