Chapter 10-Wilhem

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August took him in the other room, "I've decided to confess when school ends" he says. Wille is surprised "why now?" . "I talked to Boris, thanks to you" August responds."so you figured it out" wille says. "I need a favor, I want to meet my son could you commute my sentence to house arrest, you can strip all my titles, I just want to live my life" August says. "I'll see what I can do" wille responds.

Sara and August get married

The EU summit came..

At the beginning of the summit, Simon sang the original words for the Ode to joy as the EU anthem officially had no words.

Simon sang:

"Joy, beautiful spark of Divinity,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter, drunk with fire,
Heavenly One, Joy, beautiful spark of Divinity,
Daughter of Elysium
We enter, drunk with fire,
Heavenly One, thy Holiness!
Thy magic binds again
What custom strictly divided;
All humans become brothers,
Where thy gentle wing abides.

Whoever has succeeded in the great attempt,
To be a friend's friend,
Whoever has won a lovely wife,
Add his to the jubilation!
Yes, whoever also has just one other's Soul
To call his own on this Earth's round!
And he who never managed it should slink
Weeping from this union!

All creatures drink of joy
At nature's breasts.
All the Good, all the Evil
Follow her trail of roses.
Kisses she gave us and grapevines,
A friend, proven in death.
Lust was given to the serpent
And the cherub stands before God.

Gladly, as His suns fly
through the heavens' grand plan
Journey, brothers, on your way,
Joyful, like a hero to victory.

Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss to all the world!
Brothers, above the starry canopy
There must dwell a loving Father.
Are you collapsing, millions?
Do you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy!
Above stars must He reside!

"Please welcome our special guest from outside the European Union, Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith" Ursula von der Leyen says, she continues "Although last year the United Kingdom left the EU, we will continue to remain friends and the Queen will attend as a non-voting Representative"

And the Queen enters to Simon singing:

"God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen !
God save the Queen !
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen !

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!"

The Queen turns to Simon and Congratulates him for his recent success. She seems to know who the mysterious 'enemy' in God save the King Remix is.

Then he had an idea, he talked to the Swedish PM and she introduced him to someone. "This is Pedro Sanchez, President of the Government of Spain. Or as literally the Wikipedia article says PM of Spain".

He says "Hola, Mr. Sanchez". Sanchez responds "Hola, your Majesty". He explains his idea "Autocracies like Russia and China have been essentially buying influence in Africa by building roads and infrastructure, Russia has its Wagner Group support regimes in civil wars" he continues "Its time we reward countries for being democracies or being on the right path, we build better infrastructure for them like metros and help those democratic countries in coups and civil wars, I know you agree with my ideas but Will UP agree, I know about recent Spanish politics , you lead a broad Coalition government that includes your center-left PSOE but it also included the Electoral Alliance Unidas Podemos, which is Left wing to far left. Some of the people in your government may be friendly towards China. However, I agree with your government more than I would with the PP-Vox Coalition , You must keep Vox out of power, form a coalition with the PP in the next election if you have to, I am a centrist my self, but I hate the far right and far left. I know Vox would suck up to Putin, that homophobe." "Ok I hear what you said and I think it's the right move, I'll bring this up"

(Undias Podemos has since disolved and was replaced by the Alliance Sumar)

Just Then Federal Chancellor of Germany Merkel and President Macron of France enter and the King tells them his idea and they like it. Merkel says "I'm retiring this year, 2021, I'm opting not to run for for Chancellor if the CDU/CSU wins, You should talk to the President of Germany, Steinmeier to get the SPD's position on this. They may be the largest Party after the election. " He talks with Macron and brings up reports he has been hearing about a troop build up in southern Russia and occupied Crimea "I think Putin may be planning something for next year, an unwelcome surprise, that's why reducing his influence in Africa matters". He talks to Steinmeier and he agrees but says but if the Left wing Party Die Linke (the left), which was the former SED or if AFD wins it would never get through. Then he talks to August who seems jealous of the king's way with words. He has what seems like a staring competition with Viktor Orban, the very right wing leader of Hungary, who is a known homophobe. Then is time for the descion. A unanimous vote is taken to add Karelia(a fictional nation made up for this story and the nation is located in the Karelia Reigon ) to the EU. Then Pedro Sanchez proposes his idea, the PM of Sweden quickly seconds the Motion as does Macron and Merkel, the PM of Italy does to, eventually it passes 26-1 with only Orban's Hungary voting against it. The Motion is passed says the the Leader of the European Commission and the leader of the European parliament. He celebrates and goes to bed.

In the morning he sees a nasty tweet from Putin:

Vladimir Vladmirovitch Putin


So the west listens to the (slur for gay people) now. Soon they will tremble, Like early next year... my new plan will go exactly to plan and they will be no unexpected circumstances that will cause it to fail.

(That was an attempt at comedy, please excuse my bad joke)

But there was many other tweets praising him and attacking Putin like:

Joe Biden


Ignore him @KingWilhelm, he's just mad

Justin Trudeau


Good Job scaring those dictators, and Good idea @KingWilhelm.

Tsai Ing-wen


Good Job standing up for human rights and Democracy @KingWilhelm. You Scared Xi Jinping and @Kremlin Badly.

Boris Johnson


I don't know what @Kremlin has got planned but it sounds bad, Good job @KingWilhelm

And many positive messages from African leaders like the presidents of Niger, Nigeria, Gabon, Egypt, and Liberia.

China's President and General Secretary Xi Jinping also responded:

Xi Jinping


It's sad the decadent west is more interested in helping themselves than their workers.

Workers of the World Unite!

But under that many replies called out the fact that European Workers are usually paid more than in China, and that the West wasn't helping themselves but countries in Africa.

He took to instrgram and Posted a pic of himself with a caption saying 'Dictators beware'. And it blew up.

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