I looked at Hunter who just gazed down. "Sure,"

"Ok," Chris smiled a little. "There's 20 dollars on the table, we'll be in the front room so I'll see you both later."

The door closed and I pulled myself to my feet. I reached over onto my bed to grab my My Chemical Romance shirt to put over my vest top. My knee high converses were already on and my hair was decent. I didn't care about makeup much now because I knew how it made Hunter uncomfortable. It was confusing that he'd come to the conclusion that I was a whore if I wore foundation but I understood. Now I stuck to a little bit of concealer and lipstick. He couldn't complain about that because it didn't even do much.

I turned to Hunter who was already in his skinny jeans and was pulling a hoodie over his head. I raised an eye-brow when I saw that he was wearing a My Chemical Romance one as well. I knew he loved that band. I knew he fangirled over them whether he admitted it or not. He was a killjoy.

"We match,"

He looked at my shirt and nodded. He walked past me and I grabbed his arm as gently as possible. He was probably still on edge because of last night. I didn't want to stairtle him.

"What's up?"

"Nothing," he murmured. "Where are we going?"

"I dunno. Wherever you wanna go,"



Me and Hunter were sat on the bus. We went straight to the back because I ran towards the big seats like a little kid. I swear Hunter smiled at me when I dived on them as well. I let him sit in the corner because for some reason he seemed to feel safer there.

I was still thinking about what Hunter said. When I asked him where he wanted to go and he said home. What did he mean? There were 3 options. 1, he wanted to stay at the house. He didn't want to go out and he wanted to stay in his room. 2, he wanted to go back to Alaska. He wasn't adjusting to this place too well and he wanted to leave. Or 3, back to his old house. His parent's house.

"I don't love you, like I did, yesterday.."

Hunter had given me one of his headphones and we sat listening in silence to I don't love you. I was looking at him with confusion. He was staring at the ground, his eyes barely open and his hand pulling anxiously at his lip ring. He looked up, realizing my gaze and sighed.

"You look sad," I murmured. "Are you?"

He didn't reply.

When the bus stopped in town, Hunter followed me off it. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down so that his hair covered his eyes. He stood still for a few minutes, as if waiting for me to say something.


"Can we get coffee?"

I laughed to myself. "Sure,"


When we got into starbucks 10 minutes later, Hunter went over to sit down as I went to order. He didn't really care what he got as long as it was coffee and not decaff. I got him a regular coffee and the same for myself. 

When I walked back to the table he had chosen by the window, I placed his coffee down in front of him and stared.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he murmured.

"Hunter, there's something wrong." I protested. "What is it? Please,"

"I hate your Mom and I wish she'd just fuck off," he said simply. He took a sip of his coffee and pulled at his lip ring. 

Love Like A Delinquent (Remake)Where stories live. Discover now