19. Gifts

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Back to Y/N's POV:

 slowly blinked my eyes open, greeted by the soft light. It took me a moment to register my surroundings, and then it all came rushing back—last night's Christmas party, the laughter, the dancing, and the warm connection I shared with Rain.

As I shifted slightly, my gaze fell upon the sight that made my heart skip a beat. Rain was there beside me, his strong, lean form wrapped around me like a protective shield. He was the big spoon in our cuddle, his arm draped over my waist, and his breaths were slow and steady, indicating that he was still deep in slumber.

A contented smile graced my lips as I marveled at the intimacy of the moment. It was a feeling of safety and belonging that I had never experienced before. The way his presence wrapped around me felt like the most natural thing in the world.

With great care, I shifted a little closer, snuggling into his warmth. His body responded to my movement, drawing me even closer until there was hardly any space between us. Rain's scent enveloped me, a comforting blend of earthiness and something uniquely his own.

I lay there for a while, simply basking in the warmth and closeness we shared. It was a moment of pure contentment, one that made me wonder about the depth of our connection and where it might lead.

As Rain began to stir, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. His peaceful expression held a sense of vulnerability that was rarely seen in his usual confident demeanor. The room was filled with a quiet intimacy, and I cherished this moment of closeness.

I shifted slightly, trying not to disturb him too much, and whispered softly, "Good morning, Rain." Rain's eyes fluttered open, and he gazed at me with a warm, sleepy smile. "Good morning," he murmured in reply, his voice husky from sleep.

I shifted a little, feeling the coziness of our shared warmth. "Did you sleep well?" I asked, my fingers tracing light patterns on his arm. He nodded, his eyes still half-lidded. "I did, especially with you here." Rain's words filled the air with a sense of tenderness that made my heart flutter.

I  leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, unable to resist the affectionate impulse. His scent, a mix of something uniquely his own, was a comforting presence as I nestled against him. "I'm glad," I whispered.

Rain responded by pulling me closer, wrapping his arms around me in a gentle embrace. We lay there for a while, content in each other's company, enjoying the peaceful intimacy of the morning.

Eventually, though, we knew we had to start the day. With a reluctant sigh, Rain loosened his hold on me and began to stretch his limbs. "As much as I'd love to stay here all day," he said with a rueful smile, "we should probably get up and face the world." I nodded in agreement, even though a part of me wanted to linger in this quiet moment a little longer.

With that, we began to untangle ourselves from the cozy cocoon of blankets and slowly got out of bed.

As I stepped out of Rain's room and into the hallway, I was greeted by the sight of a rather chaotic scene. The aftermath of the ghouls' Christmas party was evident everywhere. Empty bottles, confetti, and stray decorations littered the floor.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the wild festivities that had taken place the night before. The ghouls knew how to have a good time, that was for sure. With a sense of determination, I decided to pitch in and help with the cleanup. It was the least I could do after the wonderful evening they had provided.

Grabbing a trash bag from the kitchen, I set to work, picking up empty bottles and discarded party favors. As I moved from room to room, I could hear some of the ghouls stirring from their slumber, their voices filled with laughter and groans as they began to wake up.

Despite the mess, there was an air of contentment in the atmosphere, a testament to the bonds and memories that had been created during the party. It was moments like these that made me grateful to be a part of this unique and welcoming community.

After we cleaned up the mess with the ghouls and changed into comfortable clothes, we all gathered in the living room to exchange gifts. I had planned to give Rain his gift privately because I wanted to see his reaction, and it appeared he had the same idea since he didn't give me one during the group exchange.

I couldn't help but smile as the gift exchange began. It was heartwarming to witness the genuine delight on the faces of the ghouls as they unwrapped their presents. The thoughtful gifts and the bonds of friendship that had formed during my time at the church made this Christmas celebration truly special.

As the other ghouls returned to their rooms, Rain and I found ourselves alone in the living room. He gently took my hand and said, "I still need to give you my gift." With that, he began to lead me into his room, my gifts in hand.

Rain gestured for me to take a seat on his bed, and he followed suit, sitting beside me. The gifts rested between us, wrapped in colorful paper and tied with bows. There was a moment of quiet as we exchanged glances, our smiles reflecting the shared excitement of this moment.

"I'll go first," I said. I handed him his gift. Rain accepted it with a curious expression, and as he unwrapped it, his eyes widened in surprise. Inside the box was a delicate, silver necklace with a moon-shaped pendant, adorned with a small opal that seemed to shimmer with different colors.

"It's beautiful," Rain murmured, his gaze fixed on the necklace.  I smiled, a touch of blush on my cheeks. "I remember the night we met, there was a beautiful moon."

Rain looked at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and something deeper. He extended his hand, and I took the necklace delicately, my fingers grazing his as I fastened it around his neck. The pendant rested against his chest, a symbol of our connection, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of emotion at the gesture.

"Thank you, y/n," Rain said softly, his voice carrying a warmth that mirrored the gentle glow of the necklace. "This means a lot to me."  As I settled back beside him on the bed, our shoulders touching, I met his gaze. "It's a reminder of the beautiful moments we've shared, and the ones yet to come," I replied, my heart full.

"Now it's my turn"  Rain said, his tail swaying gently behind him. He reached for the gift and handed it to me. 

As I unwrapped the gift from Rain, my eyes widened in surprise when I saw the dark red box inside. My heart raced as I opened it to reveal what appeared to be a stunning ruby bracelet. The deep red color of the stones was breathtaking, and I couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship.

"This is... it's absolutely beautiful, Rain," I said in awe, turning the bracelet in my hands to catch the light. "It looks so much like the stone on the ring that my dad gave me."

"It can't be the same stone; it's from hell. Only people who are well-trusted can acquire it. In the wrong hands, it can be dangerous," he said with a serious look on his face.

Words: 1258

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