18. Christmas Party

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The door swung open, revealing a very drunk Sodo who let out a loud exclamation as soon as he saw me, "RAIN'S GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!!"

Laughter rippled through the room as Sodo's exclamation filled the air. The ghouls were gathered in a beautifully decorated hall, adorned with twinkling lights, ornaments, and festive decorations. The atmosphere was vibrant and filled with a sense of camaraderie and joy. The ghouls, dressed in their own unique styles, mingled, chatted, and enjoyed the celebration.

Rain, who had been engaged in a conversation, turned towards the door at Sodo's exclamation. A smile spread across his face as his eyes met mine, and he made his way over to where I stood. The sight of him, dressed in a sleek outfit that perfectly matched his confident demeanor, filled me with a rush of warmth.

He staggered towards me with his arms outstretched, shouting my name like I was a long-lost lover returned from the seas. It was clear that he was quite drunk. He continued to try to hug me, but the bags of gifts were in the way.

 With a bit of effort, he managed to pull me inside and guide me to his room, all the while expressing how much he had missed me in his drunken state. He helped me leave the gift bags in his room, and then he pulled me into the room filled with ghouls once again.

Rain's arm remained around my waist as we navigated through the room, stopping to chat with different ghouls along the way. Despite his evident state of inebriation, he managed to carry himself with a certain charm that was hard to resist.

 The room was bustling with various ghouls, many of whom I hadn't met before. They all seemed excited to say hi to me, recognizing me as "the girl who's best friends with ghouls"

As the night continued to unfold, the energy of the party remained high, and the ghouls' spirits were infectious. Despite my initial reservations about alcohol, I found myself getting caught up in the atmosphere and decided to join in on a drinking game that some of the ghouls were playing.

The game was filled with laughter, playful banter, and the clinking of glasses. As the rounds went on, I started to feel the effects of the alcohol, a warm and slightly dizzy sensation that spread through me. The ghouls around me seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely, their inhibitions melting away as the night progressed.

Rain, who had clearly sobered up from earlier, kept a watchful eye on me, making sure I didn't overindulge. He joined in the game, participating with enthusiasm while keeping his attention on me to ensure I was okay.

As the rounds continued, my giggles became more frequent, and I found myself joining in on the playful antics and challenges of the game. The room seemed to blur around me, and the ghouls' laughter echoed in my ears. I felt a sense of camaraderie and connection that I hadn't experienced before.

At one point, I was dared to dance on a table, a challenge I accepted with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. With Rain's supportive and watchful presence, I climbed onto the table and began to move to the music, my movements a mix of fluidity and laughter.

However, as the effects of the alcohol began to take hold, my movements grew a bit unsteady, and my laughter became even more carefree. At one point, as I attempted to climb down from the table, my foot slipped on the edge, and I teetered dangerously close to falling. It was as if time slowed for a moment, my heart racing as I felt myself losing balance.

But before I could hit the ground, strong arms wrapped around me, steadying me and preventing the fall. Rain had acted swiftly, catching me just in time. I looked up at him, my eyes wide with surprise and a mixture of embarrassment.

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