Chapter I: Fighting for You

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–Lance's heart raced as he struggled against the restraints that bound his wrists. Cold metal cuffs dug into his skin, leaving bruises on his hands. The air aboard the Galra ship was thick with tension, the low hum of machinery deafening him. His eyes darted around the alien vessel. It was much different than the technology at the Castle of Lions. But now, stripped of his armor and his lion, he was nothing more than a vulnerable captive.

–The Galra soldiers had descended upon him without warning, a merciless ambush that had left him disoriented. He winced as a rough shove from one of his captors sent him stumbling to the ground. His captors grab him by his arms and pull him onto his feet, continuing down the metal hallways to who knows where? The journey through the ship felt endless, the metallic walls blurring together in his vision. Lance's steps faltered as they turned a corner, revealing a larger chamber that seemed to shine with green lighting.

–His captors roughly pushed him to his knees, causing him to groan as his joints cracked slightly. Lance's gaze lifted, meeting the eyes of a high-rank Galra officer. The officer's lips curled into a dark smile, one that sent a shiver down Lance's spine.

–"Well, well, are you ready to give in?" The officer sneered, his voice dripping with vileness. "A Paladin of Voltron, all alone and helpless. Just give up." Lance's jaw clenched, his pride refusing to be shattered. The officer approached, his heavy boots echoing on the metal floor. Lance braced himself for whatever cruelty might come next, his mind racing as he searched for an escape, a way to turn the tide. But as the officer's hand reached out, Lance's thoughts were abruptly shook.

–A sudden explosion rocked the ship, throwing everyone off balance. Alarms flashed, casting a red glow across the chamber. Lance's heart raced as he took advantage of the distraction, his body moving on instinct. With a surge of adrenaline, he lunged forward, knocking the officer off balance and sending his weapon clattering to the floor. Before the officer could react, Lance was already sprinting down the corridor as fast as he could, ignoring the pain as much as he could.

–The ship seemed like a labyrinth, a maze of unfamiliar passageways. He ran, his breath just ragged gasps. As he moved, the sound of swords clashing from afar became evident to his ears. With a final burst of speed, Lance rounded a corner and stumbled upon a huge Galra soldier, one scary enough to cause him some

–anxiety. "Not again." He mumbled under his breath, stepping back slightly as the soldier cornered him. "You think you can run away from us? Hah! I don't think so." The man chuckles, waving his weapon tauntingly in front of the brunet. The soldier slashes his weapon forwards, Lance blocking it with his cuffs and rushing forwards to punch him. It didn't work, because the Galran man grabbed his hair, slashing him downwards on the ground. "Ah!" He shouts, body tumbling to the ground immediately. The soldier grabs his neck, forcing him to face him as he slides the sword down his body. He whines in pure agony, the man's hand being pressed against his neck making him beg for air.

–His vision became blurry, his body not being able to withstand more of the agony, and with only a bit of oxygen left in his body, he fades from consciousness, hearing a familiar voice before fainting.

–"Lance, wake up. Lance!" The incessant voice of a young man shouted, pleading him to wake up. The brunet's eyes fought to open even the slightest, only seeing blurs of spots and colors. The man growled, grabbing Lance from the metal floor and carrying him into his arms. He struggled to lift the paladin up entirely, seeing no choice but to force him onto his feet and drag him out of the ship. Lance opened his eyes slightly, glancing as best as he could at the taller man who wore a dark suit with purple lights on it. With some energy left, Lance forces his azure eyes to spring open, pushing the soldier away from him and hyperventilating slightly. He falls to the ground, wincing from the pain from his injuries.

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