✵Back To Us ✵ (pt4) [final]

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~on the back seat~

Taehyung pushed his pride into the glorious hole of Jimin's while his heavenly moans are swollen by Taehyung's sloppy kisses..
The tiger left his low grunts when he felt his soulmate clawing his bare back and clinches around his member..
Both left each other's mouth and started to marking each other like an alpha in rut and an omega in his heat..

The seat is shaking due to the powerful thrusts.. Being in soundproof and visionless car they are secured..

With a final hard thrust, both released their fluids out. Taehyung in Jimin and Jimin on both of their chest..

TH: It was amazing (kisses Jimin's forehead) I miss you so much, love.
JM: I missed you too so much.. I was just too angry on you that you threw the letter..
TH: What was in it? Why it so special that you were too angry on me for 3 months?
JM: I told you that you are an idiot and I'm still on it.. It was the letter which I wrote for you with my feelings but you dumbo just threw it.. If you read it, then we would've been together for long..
TH: Wh- I'm sure a dumb.. I'm really sorry Minnie.. I didn't knew it's for me.. I only saw your name..
JM: See! You don't even know my handwriting and here I'm in love with you..
TH: Minnie I'm sorryy. Actually um I was so jealous.. I didn't wanted that you read any love letter about you which is not by me.. I'm really sorry.. Please forgive your idiotic lover Minnie..
JM: Ok fine just in one condition.. Promise to give me hugs and kisses whenever I want?
TH: Ofcourse! I promised! Thank you my angry chick.. Now wear my shirt as yours is destroyed by me.. Sorry hehe let's go home to sleep comfortably
JM: You better buy me one.. I can't believe we did it in the middle of road (laughs)
TH: Yeah! It's not funny! You made me do it hottie (winks)
JM: Hey you shut up cheeky guy!
TH: (laughs) ok.. So Jimin.. Will you be mine for the rest of my life? I wanna face my ups and downs with you. I wanna grew old with you... I wanna tell stories our children having you beside me.. Can I get the opportunity to hold you forever my love?
JM: You Alien! Is it even a question? Ofcourse I'll be yours.. And yes I also wanna see my future with you my prince charming! Let's hold each other tightly for forever.. Enjoy the life having each other's besides always..

They sealed the promise with a sweet kiss. The moon and stars with the beauty of night cheerishs the destined couple. Their bedroom, blankets, pillows prepare themselves for writing down the memories of this sweet couple.. The whole universe is excited to get the love aura from the lovely couple.. The down cheerfully welcomed the new couple and the rising sun gave his blessings to them......

No matter how misunderstandings or problems come, atlast they backed to each other's arms. Giving up on each other isn't a solution, facing the problems together is all needs in a pure love....................


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