Chapter 41: Fake fiancé? Boyfriend?

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Hey guys!

Sorry for not updating as much as I usually do but I have some things to tell you.

1)This is my last update until I start writing again..(which will be the 26th June). Monday I have my film and T.V premiere and on Wednesday/Thursday. I have my last college shows of the academic year!:( I break up in 10 days. I have over 2 months off.

2)Sadly, I need to tell you. I won't be releasing 'Picking up the Pieces- Dielari'. This book will be my last. It will contain at least another 30+ chapters as I won't separate the sequel book. I will keep both books together as one.

3)For now I'd like to say thank you so much for all the support you have given me. Thanks for the reads/votes/comments. You guys are the best..and I mean that. Thanks, Gracias, Grazie, Merci, Dzięki, Dank, благодаря & Obrigado:*


I entered the house, straight away I heard my Mum singing. I couldn't hear my Dad at all. I walked through the living room, down the corridor and in to my Dad's office. He was reading the newspaper, I stood at the foot of his desk. No words came out of my mouth then a hand appeared on my shoulder. It was my Mum. I jumped a little.


"Angie, good your home".

"Mum, Dad, I need to tell you something important. Can we talk?".

My Dad put his newspaper down.

"Yes of course my darling. Go with your Mother in to the living room. I'll make us all something to drink".

I did as I was told and followed my Mother in to the living room. My heart was beating faster than usual, the palms of my hands began to sweat. I wanted to back out of the room but..I couldn't. My Mother signalled me to come over and sit beside her.

Then my Dad came in to the living room. As he sat down, I stared at my hand..I particularly stared at the haribo ring which was still on my finger.

"Well Angie?" I heard my Dad say.

My head shot up and I turned to face my Dad.

"Well? What do you need to tell us?".

I felt so uncomfortable, I started to shuffle around but I knew...I had to tell them about German. It's the right time.

"Angie, what is it, why do you look so pale?".

My Mum looked worried, my Dad looked confused and me...well I was simply just terrified.

I looked at them both...I took a deep breathe in and out. I was about to tell them about German when...

"Angie, what's that thing on your finger?" my Dad pointed at the haribo ring.

"Yeah, what is it?".

"Mum, Dad, it's a haribo ring".

"Why have you got a sweet on your finger may I ask?" questioned my Dad.

"I have project to do in life skills class. I have to do a presentation on marriage, so my partner and I are going to have a fake wedding...that's why I have this sweet on my finger".

"Aw! That's divine!" shouted my Mother.

"It is?" I questioned.

"Yes, it shows your taking your project seriously. I'm proud of you".

"Thanks Mum".

"So Angie, who is my fake son in law to be then?" joked my Dad.

"He's called German".

"When do we get to meet him?".

"Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about..German is my boyfriend".

They looked confused...again.

"Wait, you just said he's your fake fiancé? Now you're saying he's your boyfriend? Which one is he?".

"German is my fake fiancé for the project and in reality..he's my boyfriend".

My Mother and Father...just stared at me then they stared at each-other.

"One of you..say something? Please?".

They looked at one another again but my Mum nodded directly at my Dad then he turned to face me.

"Tell him to come here, right now".


"We need to have a little chat with him and you. Don't you think?".

My Mother's eyebrows risen up and my Dad folded his arms. I gulped....oh what have I let myself and German in for...

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