Chapter 26: My Romeo?

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We reached home and we were immediately greeted by my Mother.

"Glad, you're both home. Dinner is ready, go wash your hands".

Like a soldier, I saluted my Mother.

"What -ever you say...sir" I said as I walked off. I heard my Dad laugh..then it came to a halt. I guess my Mother gave him 'the stare'.... She always does when he reacts to something I do.

Next thing I see is my Dad come to the sink while I dried my hands. He looked like an annoyed school boy who has just been told off. He nudged me and I at looked at him.....then we were both away.. we burst in to laughter.

After about 5 minutes, we finally managed to compose ourselves. Then we entered the dining room ready for dinner.

We ate and spoke about how individually our days went. My Mum went shopping, Dad met his new colleagues and I told them about my day..Just not about German...

The dinner passed quickly so I made my excuses and went to my room to start working on the song German and I have to write.

I only managed to sit on my bed, pull out a pen and my note-book when my phone rang.

It was German..I answered straight away.

"Hey German".

"Hey Angie, are you busy?".

"Not really, I'm just sat thinking of ideas for our song".

"Well that's good because I'm outside your house".

"What? How? Why?".

"I said I'm outside your house, I followed you home and because I wanted to see you".

"I can't come out to see you".

"Then I'll come in".


"Well I'm stood outside the front of your house, I can come round the side and wait in the garden or something?".

"The garden, you will probably get lost in".

"What do you mean?".

"It's erm..quite big".

"Right, I have an idea Angie".

"What are you going to do?".

"Just tell me, is your bedroom the one with the balcony and do you have your light on?".

"Yes and yeah I do, why?".

"Just go on to the balcony in 2 minutes then you'll understand what I mean".

Then he hung up.. What is he going on about?

I sat on my bed for a moment, still confused but I did as he had said to do. I went on to the balcony and stared at the garden. I couldn't see German...

I stood and waited..I don't why..... seconds later I heard rustling.. it was coming from near the balcony but it wasn't me making the noise?.

I dared myself to look over the side and I saw German trying to climb up..he looked like he was loosing breath so I helped him up. Once he was over, we were sat on the floor trying to get our breath back. I didn't notice my head was resting against is until I felt him breathe on me.

I stood up and so did German.

"German, what are you doing here? Why did you do this? You scared me! You could of got hurt? Like, you could have fell...Again!?!".

"I told you on the phone, I wanted to see you. I missed you also you don't think I was going to leave you to write the song on your own did you?" he grabbed my left hand and kissed it.

I was overwhelmed. He was being so cute, so caring. He made me happy. He reminds me of Romeo from the Shakespeare play; Romeo and Juliet.  That's when I realized I have feelings for him.

England to Argentina-Germangieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن