Chapter 21: 2 Questions

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Good news! This book is going to have many..many chapters. There will be different 'situations' throughout some cute..

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"German, don't make me blush".

"I like it when you blush".

"German, but we've only just met..".

"I know but it feels like I've known you since...forever. You're so different".

"Different? In a good way or..?".

"A good way, definitely".

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. German, I want to apologise for earlier. When I er..hugged you. I really don't know what came over me..".

"You don't need to apologise. I liked it anyway".

"Oh I could tell, when you put your arms around me".


German had a smirk on his face and shrugged..

"So Angie, when I first met you in the park. You told me you moved here from England. Why?".

"My Dad was transferred here by work".

I sighed...

"I take it you didn't want to move".

We sat down on the bench.

"No I didn't. I felt like my Mother and Father were just thinking about themselves, about what is best for them. They didn't consult me at all but now..".

"But now..what?".

"I'm glad we moved to Argentina. I've made some friends, the weather is not as bad as I thought it would be. This school is great and I met you".

Wow! Did I just say that?! 'A little voice in my head was telling me 'Yeah, you just did Angie. Way to go girl!' Oh gosh....

"Met me, I guess that's why your more than glad".

He winked at me...

"Oh shut up! You're so modest aren't you 'mystery man' Anyways tell me about yourself?".

"Like I told you earlier, I'm 15 but look older, I'm not a Casanova. I can play the piano and I want to travel the world someday".

"You can play the piano?" my ears perked up when he said he could..

"Yes, I started lessons when I was 7 and have played ever since".

"I'd love to learn the piano".

"I'll teach some time. You just tell me the time and place and I'll be there. Promise".

"Okay, I will so don't forget".

"I'll never forget a promise I've made to you".

"Well that's cute".

"Not as cute as you".

"How many complements do you want to give me" I laughed...

"German, do you have like an armature's guide' To complementing a girl' or something" I chuckled...

"Hey!" he replied.

He nudged me so I nudged him back.



"Can I ask you two questions".

"Well now it's gotta be one question, you've just asked me one" I said sarcastically.

"Haha Angie! But I'm serious. So can I?".

"Yeah, go ahead".

"Question 1, will you do me the honour of giving me your phone number?".

"Yeah, I'd love too".

He wrote my number down on his hand and so did I with his.

"Okay, now question 2".

"Question 2, maybe could we hang out again?".

"Well...let me check my schedule. I'm a very busy girl you know" I was joking with him clearly..

He was now giving me those 'puppy dog eyes'..

"But seen as though it's you, I'll cancel a few things so yeah, I'd love that too".

He grinned.

"Well lets shake on it Miss Carrara".

"Okay Mr Castillo".

We shook hands and now he pulled me in to hug..

This time it was me who wrapped my arms around him..

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