Chapter 24: The ball

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My last lesson of the day went fairly quick, it was P.E. It went quick because I didn't bring a P.E kit. I haven't got one yet so the teacher let me off considering it was my first day and all... So with German and everyone playing netball, I sat at the side on a bench watching but also trying to brainstorm ideas for this song. I couldn't think of anything my mind was blank, I guess I'm still not over the shock that German and I are singing together in the end of year show. We break up June, so I've got exactly 5 weeks until the end of year show.  I was trying to hum different melodies to myself, none of them felt right. So I decided to carry on watching everyone play Netball. It was boys against girls. Their team captains were Pablo and Laurina. I was happy because the girls were winning! During the game, there were times where I got a little nervous as the ball was flying through the air pretty fast. I was scared just in case I was going to get hit and I was right to be scared....I saw the ball come straight at could see it heading for my face but it didn't reach my face!..because German jumped in front of me and caught it. He fell to the fall, there was a loud thud when he did. So I got up and knelt beside him.

"German are you okay?!".

He looked a little out of it, that's when the teacher came running over.

"German, how many fingers am I holding up?" she said.

German's reply was '2' when actually she was holding up 4..

"Right, I think German needs to sit out for a while. Angie get him some water and an ice pack for his  head".

I nodded and went to get them. German saved me and he ended up getting hurt..

I came back in to the gym with an ice pack and a glass of cold water. German was sat on the side, holding his head.. So I passed him the ice pack.

"Thanks Angie".

"No German, I should be thanking you but also I'm sorry. If you didn't try and stop the ball from hitting me, you wouldn't have gotten hurt. It's my entire fault".

I felt so guilty!

"Angie, it's alright" he said as he put one of his hands on mine... "I'd rather get hurt than for you to end up hurt. Okay".


He interrupted me..

"Angie, it's fine as long as you're okay, then I'm not bothered".

His hand was still touching mine so I just gripped on to it tightly..

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