I caught the pensiveness held in that gaze of his, and while whatever glee which had been there minutes ago was soon wiped off, I only pulled myself even nearer to his form.

"What do you mean?"

"Killed six of the guys" Ricardo dropped. "Angus, one of them"

I remained watching that profile with a blank stare, eyes beholding the look of sophistication held in his gaze.

"And how are you here screwing some lady, after such news reached your ears?"

"Oh please, Luca. You were the one who fucked five girls on your father's yacht, only hours after news of your mother's death reached everyone" Ricardo pulled a cigarette from the pool table, soon lighting it up.

"Would you like me to go on? Or are we done trying to figure out who's more sentimental between you and I?"

He sighed, drawing even closer to me.

"Perhaps, You and I so happen to have the same means of grieving—Easing our balls" He chuckled.

Beholding the straight face I wore, and that pensiveness held in my gaze, the grin at once got wiped off his face, with a sigh soon escaping his lips.

"Angus was our friend" He let out.

"I thought that skipped you"

"Oh, you think it doesn't hurt me as much as it does you!" There came that bellow from him. The bellow I so longed to hear. Yes, I wanted to see him rage, I sought to have him on the same page as I was, knowing that he burned more.

"Fuck! I lost my best friend too, Luca" He thundered, and only then did the pain come forth in those eyes.

"I've lost friends, family!" he sucked in a breath, gaze squaring mine. "All because of... he stopped whatever words were to come out of his mouth, only scrutinizing me, and with heaving chest, heavy breaths, his eyes fell.

"All because of me" I finished for him.

I watched him pull his cigarette between his lips, and pushing back whatever pain threatened to rush to the surface, he puffed a breath of smoke, passing the joint into my hands.

"This is our mistake" He let out. "Not just yours"

"But that's the thing Ricardo" I poured a breath, meeting those eyes of his. "He's found us. He's found me, and won't stop until he gets it done" My pacing figure earned the lingering scrutiny of Ricardo, and while he only watched as I shifted here to there, his figure remained such huge contrast to my agitating one.

"Relax" Ricardo pulled another cigarette from the pool table, soon lighting it up. "I'll make sure it's sorted out"

"I have to ensure she's safe" I took a suck of the cigarette in my hold, staring at that profile away.

"And how would you come about that?" Followed his words.

"We'll go away" I let out. "Somewhere far where the bastard wouldn't get his hands on her"

"Luca..." He sighed, and I could tell just where he drove at.

"I'll stick a bullet in him, Ricardo. I swear on my life, I will!"

I slapped the joint in my hands to the ground, at once turning away. And for a moment, all that lingered around our forms was the silence. Such silence that had me eased, yet, the calm was sure to be killed by the break of Ricardo's words.

"You killed his wife, Luca" Came those words. Those words which pricked at me.

"The hell I did!" Thundered I.

I didn't need to be reminded that the swine who was now out to get me was the same man whose wife I gunned several years ago.

I got the message just fine.

"It's best we handle it once and for all, otherwise, you'll have to keep running"

"I can't let anything happen to her"

Ricardo only fell silent, soon killing his joint.

"She's one lovely dame, believe me, but this is why I don't get engaged" He sighed.

"Lay with some girl whose face you're sure to forget, and ensure to move to the next one. You taught me that, Luca" I heard those words from him, with the eyes of Ricardo left grinning in mine.

"I learnt all of that from you, so what's changed now?"


"I remember you being the Tosser who told me to be content with what I'd gotten and see it rather as a blessing" Followed I.

"Oh, it is a blessing!" He grinned. "I just miss you being the scaly around"

"In the meantime—He puffed a breath, flexing the muscle in his arms—there's a lady waiting for me upstairs, I would have invited you to come join, but..." He sucked his teeth, gaze taking mine "...You happen to be a married man now, and I wouldn't want to have my friend engaging in improper things.

"Damn! The girl's such marvel!—He grinned—shows me moves I'd never come to know. It would have been some raving party between the three of us, you know" He flashed a grin.


He turned around walking away, but right by the entrance of the house, he looked back "No harm will come to Isabella, Luca" He breathed "We'll ensure that"

Man and Wife (18+)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें