I walk in the kitchen and everyone is still in there sitting at the island, "Hey honey! I miss you so so much!"

I laugh and say, " I miss you too! How is Aunt Jenny doing?"

My Aunt Jenny is pregnant with her first kid and my mom is there to help her. I would have went, but I decided to stay here and hang out with Hannah and Trevor all summer.

"She is doing really well. I tell you, she has the weirdest cravings though. I thought I was weird while being pregnant with you!" She laughs.

I laugh with her and say, " Do you know when you will be home?"

She sighs and says, "I'm not sure honey. She is only eight months in and I am still going to help when the baby actually gets here."

I frown and say, "Yeah, I understand. What about dad? Do you know when he is coming home?"

She then says, " You know your father is a busy man, Pay. I wish he could always be home but he has this new corporation going on in New York."

"That doesn't mean he just forgets about us, " I mumble.

"He doesn't forget about us!" She argues.

"Mom, he barley comes home. I don't think he even knows my birthday."

She sighs and says, " I know sweetie, but he will be home soon."

I roll my eyes because she always says that but he really only comes home in November and stays until January. Even when he is here he is still busy.

I sigh and then I take a seat at the island next to Gabe and across from Hannah. I see Hannah staring at me and I smile. I know what she wants to say, "Mom, Hannah says Hey."

"Aww I miss you guys so much! Tell her I say Hey back but with a smiley face," She says.

"What kind? "I laugh. 

She laughs and says, "The cool one. "

I laugh again and say, " Hannah, my mom says Hey with a cool smiley face."

Hannah grins and we give each other a look. I then hear my mom on the other line, " Well I got to go sweetie. Put me on speaker phone!"

I sigh and say, " Mom... I have more friends here than just Hannah."

"Aww! My baby made new friends?! Are they boys?"

I groan and she squeals, " Now you have to put me on speaker phone!"

I then say, " Mom, please. Don't do this."

" Payton put me on speaker right now or I will ground you," I know she was teasing but I sigh. I know she will do something  if I don't put her on speaker phone.

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