Chapter 13- The Happy Family

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The model starts to shake making Levi and Y/n back-up, while getting the attention of the adults in the dining room. Betelgeuse's head, now human-size, rises from the center of the model town.

"Attention K-Mart shoppers!" His grin is malevolent and malicious. The Sarah and Maxine run to see the commotion happening in the living room while Otho, Charles, and Delia stay a little bit back.

Betelgeuse full body is out of the town model. On top of his head is a carnival tent with different demon figures hanging from it and his arms are folded in like a tube. "I'm back. I feel real good about myself. You know what I mean? So without further delay..."

The top of his head starts to spin, "Welcome to Winter River! See the museum of naturalgreed. A monument to boredbusinessmen! Come on a little closer. Step right up! Test your strength." Betelgeuse then throws his arms making them inflate to hammers, while behind Maxine and Sarah two boards started to rose. A light is shown on them, while Betelgeuse left the hammers up and when he drops them, Maxine and Sarah goes straight through the roof.

"Thank you! Thank you! Whew!" Betelgeuse jumps in front of Charles, Delia, and Otho. "That is why I won't do two shows a night anymore, babe. I won't do 'em." He smokes a cigarette. "Well, what do we got here tonight, kids?" He looks up and see Adam and Barbara. "Well, we've got the Maitlands. I think they've had enough exercise for the night." They fall back on the table and start to regenerate themselves. "Let's not forget their lovely daughter over there." A light is shown on Y/n and Levi who is holding onto each other. This makes Charles and Delia gasp.

Otho started to walk away when Betelgeuse jumped and his back. "Not so fast, round boy. We're gonna have some laughs." He kissed Otho cheek making him freak out. Betelgeuse gets off Otho's back and goes to Charles and Delia.

Delia sees Otho heading to the door and calls for him. A spotlight is shown on Otho making him stop. Betelgeuse does a gun motion and makes Otho black suit a baby blue color, making him cry and run away.

Delia and Charles motions Levi to come and he runs still holding on to Y/n. Delia hugs Levi who is hugging Y/n and Charles has his arms wrapped around the three, feeling the urge to keep Y/n safe. Betelgeuse comes and joins the hug with them.

"I just want you three to know, you're welcome in our house anytime you want to come over. In the meantime, the dowry's on me, Levi." He gives Levi a snake that made him start shaking.

"Well, the Maitlands are taken care of. Everything seems to be pretty back to normal. I think..." When Betelgeuse turns around he is in a maroon suit with his arm out.

"Shall we?" The Deetz looks at Y/n and see her is a red wedding dress with matching bouquet. She floats till she is next to Betelgeuse.

Adam tries to speak, but his jaw hit the table, making Barbara grab it and put it back on him.

"Called the caterer. He's got a great band. Whoops. We're gonna need witnesses. Would you?" Delia sculptures started to move and trapped the Deetz in the same spot. The fireplace started to form into alter and a dead minister came out, while Betelgeuse walked Y/n to it. "Let's get on with the ceremony."

"Do you, Betel-" Betelgeuse stopped the minister. "Nobody says the "B" word."

"Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife?" Betelgeuse steps off to the side talking to himself.

"I don't know. It's kinda a big decision. I always said if I ever did it, I was gonna do it only once and that was it." He rushed back and take Y/n hand. "Sure. Go ahead."

"And do you, Y/n, take this man-"

Y/n quickly interrupts, "NO! BETEL-" Betelgeuse covers her mouth.

Undead Romance (Male Lydia x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora