Chapter 5- What Happens Now?

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The Deetz's around the dining room table. There are candles and good china laid out, but they're eating out of Chinese take-out boxes. Delia takes a bite, but takes it out of her mouth. "I can't believe that we're eating Cantonese. Is there no Szechuan up here?"

"I plan to have a stroke from the amount of MSG that's in this food." Levi says wearing a hat that you would normally wear for a funeral.

"This is our first meal in this house, so why don't we all do out little private parts to make it pleasant one?" Delia says grabbing her wine.

"Don't bait your mother son. Soon when we get settled, we'll build you a darkroom in the basement, Ok?" Charles says trying to get Levi spirits up.

"My whole life is a darkroom. One big dark room." Levi says trying to express himself.

"You were miserable in New York City and now you'll be miserable in the sticks. At least someone's life hasn't been upheaved?" Delia says since she has been tired of how Levi is acting.

"I don't know about you two, but I'm perfectly happy here. Those people in New York don't know what they're missing." Charles once again trying to lift there spirits up.

"You know we could become The Summer Art Center of New York. I could start sculpting again. You know I'm truly happy when I'm sculpting." Delia tries to convince Charles.

"That's a very good idea. That'll be very time-consuming" Charles smirks.

"First the house. Otho and I have great plans." 

Levi interrupts, "I think we should keep it the way it is." Charles smiles at this.

"Good idea."

Delia made a nasty face and Charles starts to look uncomfortable. "The furniture truck is coming. We must decide what goes and what stays." Charles says to get rid of the awkward silence. 

"Everything goes, along with whatever's in the attic." After that everyone goes back to eating.

Behind the door listening is Barbara, Adam, and Y/n listening. A tear rolls down Barbara face while Y/n buries her head in Adam's shoulder.


After dinner Levi goes to Y/n room or now his room. He looks around and see some things already in boxes each of them label. He goes to the mirror to see Polaroids pictures of a young girl and two adults (Guessing they are her parents) outside of the house. He then goes to a book shelf seeing different types of books, but what surprise him was that most of them were horror genre.

He walks up to the bed and sees a bunny sitting down in the middle with a white sundress with a matching hat. When he picks it up he saw the name 'Y/n.' He didn't know why, but he had a feeling of keeping it around even though it is something he'll never have.

He takes the bunny and put it on the bookshelf keeping it safe and making sure that it doesn't go when the furniture truck comes.


The entire front yard is alive with workmen and their vehicles. Plumbers, electricians, cable TV men, etc. Moving men continue to move in the Deetz' modern, expensive and ugly furniture. They collide with Goodwill men coming out with the Maitlands' lovely antiques and personal possessions.

In the Attic, the Maitlands are looking out the window to see whats going on. Adam leafs through the handbook furiously. 

"Isn't there an index?" Barbara questions. 

"No, nothing." When Adam flips through all the pages a piece of paper fell out.

"What's this?" Y/n questions picking it up. They all look out the window again to see Levi taking pictures.

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