Chapter 6- Case Worker Juno

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Charles is in the study trying to relax. He walks over to the bookshelf picking up a bird statue making whistling sounds just like a bird would. He walks back to the window, sets the bird down, and took a pair of binoculars. He looks down and see a book named:


He opens it up to a random pages and saw different types of birds on it. He looks back at the window and open the blinds, using the binoculars to see outside. He look and see a big ugly-looking ratty bird devouring something. Charles wrinkles his nose, making a disgust noise.

"Dad." Charles jumps in surprise not hearing Levi enter. 

"Can't you see I'm relaxing in here?" Charles says trying to slow down his breath. 

"Well I want to tell you what I saw."

"What is the point of my coming up here if you people won't let me relax?" Charles says reaching his limit.

"Captain, son, go help your mother." Charles says hugging Levi and making him leave the study. 

Levi walks away, "Maybe you can relax in a haunted house, but I can't."


With the Maitlands, they are walking slowly and cautiously, and checking at Y/n, making sure she is alright.  They walk through a other door which leads them to the most unpleasant waiting room you ever seen. They look around seeing different type of dead people who also looks at them.

"Mom? Dad?" Y/n calls.

"This way girls." Adam leads them to the reception table.

Adam goes to the 'Take A Number' machine and pulls on the paper which never ends, so he gave up on it. He knocks on the reception window and the receptionist, Miss Argentina, with pink hair and greenish skin open the window and looks at them.

"You don't have an appointment, do you?" She questions

"We didn't know how to make one." Adam questions back.

"Appointment for what?" Barbara also questions

"What do you want." Miss Argentina ask rudely.

"We need some help." Answers Y/n

"Already? You just bit the big one two months ago and you want help?" Miss Argentina ask doing paperwork.

"Two months? What does that have to do with anything?" Ask Adam

"Your going to use up all your help vouchers, D-90's. You spend a hundred and twenty-five years on earth, actually, in that house, during which you get only three class-one D-90 intercessions with Juno. You probably haven't even read through the manual completely yet. You'll have to wait if you don't have an appointment." Miss Argentina states.

"An appointment with whom?" Adam ask again

She sighs, "For Juno your case worker." After she smiles and close the window. Only for her to shout out the number 54 million, six hundred one.


Levi kneels down with a screwdriver trying to open the attic door and with a hit on the screwdriver handle the door pop open. Levi enters the attic and sees the switch to which he turns on. The lights of the model town turns on which pips up Levi interest. He walks to the table examining it and when he turns he saw the book laying on top of the box. He examine the pages and decide to read it.


Back at the waiting room, Barbara and Adam are sitting on chairs while Y/n is sitting on the floor leaning on Adam's legs. They all look around trying to find anything to entertain themselves with. Next to Adam, a burnt man offer him a cigarette, but he declines.

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