Ch. 4.6 - Zero Hour I

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Why is that?

Wooosh! Thud!

Amongst all the clamor, the door at the front of the classroom slid wide open.

"I believe we should take a closer look at this case."

Chabashira, the person closest to the front, was the first one to react.

"Horikita Manabu...I see."

I looked at him, my supposed brother. His black hair and iconic glasses. The fact that he was even in this classroom hit me with a burst of realization—the spider net had already been set.

"What is the Student Council President doing here?"

"Is someone in trouble?"

"That''s right," Horikita Manabu answered. "But it depends on the situation as to who's in trouble."

Ike turned around to face the President, his eyes filled with conviction.

"President! Since you're here, hear us out! We don't deserve to be ordered around by this power freak. She's a cheater and should be punished along with her sidekicks."

"Quiet down. I have already heard the gist of the situation thanks to your unnecessary shouting. Now, looking back at the issue at hand, are you certain you want to push through with your accusations?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Of course, we do!"

Amidst the conversation between Ike and Horikita Manabu, a careless voice slips out.

"The President and Horikita-san have the same last name. Aren't they related or something?"

"Eh? So they're siblings? Did the President come here to save his little sister?"

"Crazy...Ike might be in trouble."

That's not quite right. In the first place, I'm not in any trouble.

But to Ike, it's precisely the first thing that would come to mind after realizing my relationship with the President.

"Huh? So you're here to save Horikita after all? That's not fair!"

"I told you to quiet down, did I not? My position here does not perceive any familial relationship. If, by the end of all of this, Suzune is found guilty of her actions, then she'll receive proper punishment just like any other student—expulsion."

"Hahaha!" Chabashira let out a laugh as she steadily looked at us from her desk. "Well, isn't it quite amusing that you're personally taking care of this case?"

Horikita Manabu glanced back without a flinch.

"Some things need to be done."

"In that case, you better finish up quick because I'm kicking you out the moment homeroom ends."

"This case is of high importance. Taking up a fraction of class wouldn't hurt."

"I don't care. This is my classroom. If you don't like it, then play your games somewhere else."

"In that case," the President faced us. "You. What's your name?"

"Eh? Me?" the fool asked, dazed. "Yamauchi Haruki, sir."

"Then...Ike, Yamauchi. I'll save the formalities for an actual trial and ask you now if you're going to push through with your accusations. We'll search Ayanokouji's room, look through the camera footage, and determine whether these three are truly guilty. As a part of the teaching staff, Chabashira-sensei would likely face the greatest punishment, but of course, that's if there's enough evidence."

He paused briefly before continuing, "So, what will it be?"

"We'll do it."

Blinded by his conviction and perhaps even malevolence, Ike did not hesitate with his answer. Despite the hints tossed around the room, his narrow-minded tiny little brain couldn't comprehend the risks he was taking. Now, the question is, is Yamauchi also on board?

"Do you agree, Yamauchi?"

Silence filled the room. Two to three seconds of nothingness. Yet, the future wasn't that far.

"Yes, I am."

It's over.

"Well, then. I'll take note of this and write up the report. I'll let you all know when we finish the investigation."

"Thank you."

Horikita Manabu turned to Chabashira, "I've finished up, Sensei. Thank you for your patience

"Right on time. Homeroom is now over. Everyone prepare for your next class."

The President and Chabashira left the classroom shortly after. Silence hit the room with undeniable force. No one knew the right words to say. Even Ike, the core of earlier's situation, chose to remain quiet.

At this point, simple words ran through everyone's minds.

That just happened. It's over now.

The moment Horikita Manabu left the room, there was already an ongoing investigation against Chabashira, Ayanokouji, and me. It was barely possible to discuss anything.

That said, I stood up from my seat and left the room as well. I felt everyone's eyes on me, but no matter.

I took a short walk away from our class. I stopped right next to a window, a glimpse of my own reflection residing within the panes.

"What's happening, Medea-sama? Is there trouble?"

"No. Just something annoying."

"What do you mean?"

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Classroom of the Elite x Your Throne: Clash of Steel and DeceitNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ