Epilogue: All That You Ever Wanted From Me Was Sweet Nothing

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While everything about your relationship with James was far from normal - including your pregnancy which ended early at 33 weeks. You never thought you would get the happy life that consisted of a husband and a family - let alone a life that included Tony actually giving a damn about you.

When you were finally released from the hospital, and able to go home, it felt amazing. Technically, you hadn't left the compound grounds, but home hadn't been the compound in weeks. It was the house you shared with your husband and the house you were building your family in. You felt most at peace inside your house with James. You didn't want anything more.

Standing in the doorway of the nursery - watching as James tended to your son, you couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Uh-oh," Tony chuckled, creeping up behind you, as your father watched you struggle with your overwhelming emotions. Your eyes sparkled as they gazed at James who held the 11 lb baby boy in his arms. "What's going through that big brain, baby girl?"

"Is this what it's like to be happy?" The words hiccuped out of you before you could stop them.

"What do you mean, sweet girl?"

"I always thought it would be me and only me against the world."  It was a sad statement, but up until James had crashed into your life - you were ultimately alone. "Now I have this amazing husband, and a beautiful son, George. I'm so full of this emotion that's almost suffocating but -"

"It's the most amazing feeling in the world." Tony quickly finished the sentence for you. In a fatherly fashion, Tony wrapped an arm around your shoulder - allowing you to lean against him. "Trust me - it will only get better."

For a moment the silence hung between you two - both watching how the former winter soldier gently soothed your son back to sleep. "I've never seen anyone look THAT content with being a father - or a husband - but James makes it look so easy."

You were super proud of your little family. Because even after the crappy childhood, all the tears and all the random people you tried to hide yourself underneath - James was exactly where your home was. James wanted nothing more from you, than the opportunity to love you, and every day James shows just that.

You didn't respond to your father, instead you entered the room your husband occupied. The tall man wasn't even holding your son anymore, instead just standing at the end of the bassinet he had assembled.

"Everything okay, Sarge?" Your voice was soft as you called out to him, but what amazed your father was the way James didn't flinch at your touch - showing just how far he had come since returning from hydra. 

When James finally looked up at you, your knees nearly buckled. "Everything is just perfect," he whispered before pulling you into him. Your head rested against his chest, listening to fast heart beat. "Thank you."

His words caught you off guard. You didn't do anything.

"What?" Reluctantly leaning back to look up at your husband - you couldn't help the confusion that washed over your face.

"Thank you for giving me the chance at a normal life (Y/n) Barnes," his voice cracked as he used his flesh hand to brush your hair out of your face. "Thank you, for being my wife, and giving me -"

You couldn't handle hearing him go on, so you cut him off by gently kissing him. When you pulled back your couldn't help the smile that spread over your face. "We both gained something when we met James - you saw who I was, when no one else cared. Ever since then you've been proving to me that you'll always care."

"I always will."  James never wanted anything more than to prove that you were worthy of love. Worthy of being put before your last name and just be seen as (Y/n) (Y/M/N). James never expected anything more or less, as long as he got to have you. As of today, you realized it was exactly the same for you. There was nothing anyone could give you - as long as you have James.

At that moment, Tony realized what he was witnessing. Two - once completely broken people fully mending themselves as they became a team. James only wanted you - the child that was created just happened to be a happy addition. Watching his child and their husband, as happy as they are, Tony finally figured out the definition of a happy and loving family.

It was the Barnes family - made up of James Buchanan Barnes, (Y/n) Stark - Barnes, and George Howard Barnes.

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