Part 16: We Were Supposed To Be Just Friends

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James managed to wake up in time for a quick shower with his best girl. As usual, what should have been a short shower ended up lasting an hour. Now James was left to watch you race around your shared bedroom, getting ready for your family's arrival. James didn't know what the issue was as you fussed about which dress looks best on you - because to him everything looked amazing on you.

Finally James had enough of your indecisiveness, cutting it extremely close to start time. "Doll, wear the burgundy dress." You whipped around to look the soldier in the eyes as his words came as a command. "I'll meet you downstairs," James quickly kissed your forehead before leaving you alone in nothing but the lingerie you wore to tease your favorite man.

With the command made, you pulled out the velvet bodycon dress that you knew James loved. You were only a couple of weeks along but every piece of tight fitted clothing clung to your slightly expanded stomach. Tonight all those insecurities about fitted clothing disappeared as your eyes landed on the ring that sat on your finger. None of it mattered because you had what was important.

As quickly as you could - you changed into the dress. Your hands smoothing down the fabric as you look yourself over in the floor to floor mirror. The sound of the door bell ringing, and your personal A.I, Bex announcing the arrival of the avengers and your family. Finally leaving the room, you made your way down to the quickly gathering crowd.

Within seconds your little sister was standing next to the Christmas Tree that you and James had decorated the day before. "(Y/n)?" Her little voice asked as she walked closer to the tree, noticing the hand strung popcorn that James insisted on.

"Yeah Baby Stark?" You asked, crouching down to her level.

"Why is there popcorn on the tree?" You couldn't stop yourself from chuckling, gesturing to your fiancée to explain but it wasn't necessary.

"When Uncle Buck and I were kids -"

"In the early 1900's," Sam interrupted, causing Steve to narrow his eyes at his dear friend.

"Yes, anyway - when we were kids we couldn't afford fancy ornaments to put on our Christmas tree," Steve continued, happy to share a tidbit of his childhood with the people that mattered most to him in this new life.

"Is that true Uncle Buck?" Morgan had a doubtful look in her eyes as she looked to her second favorite uncle. It was an easy relationship to form as Morgan was oblivious to James' past as the winter soldier - to Morgan, James was an adult who never lied to her.

"For once the Jerk isn't pulling your leg," James shrugged as he admitted to his financial hardships growing up. "But now I think it's an activity that brings families together." You melted into James' embrace as his arm slid around your waist.

"I enjoyed it," you offered up, leaning up to press a kiss on your soldier's jawline - your left hand resting on James' broad chest. Engagement ring on full display for everyone to see.

"(Y/n) Stark!" Wanda squealed, her eyes glued to the 14k white gold and 14k rose gold engagement ring that sparkles brightly on your finger. Now everyone but Steve and Tony, were looking at you and James, waiting for some explanation for the large rock on your hand.

"Apparently the Pet Psychopath has taste," Natasha grabbed hold of your hand, holding it out in front of you so that the redhead could get a better look. Natasha wasn't one to care about the look of a ring but she could see that Barnes had spent a lot of money on the ring.

"This is all new actually, very new." You mused, pulling your hand from your friend's grasp. "We were finishing decorating the house before you all got here and I turned around from securing the garland. There he was, down on one knee waiting for me to notice him."

You could hear a coo come from your mother as she watched her daughter with pride. "So, Barnes can be romantic?" Clint questioned, his eyes glued to the young Stark - unable to believe that the woman in front of him was the same kid he had met in 2009 when Natasha had introduced you to him.

"Only when it comes to her," it was an admission that surprised even you. "I couldn't imagine my life without her. The next thing I knew I had Steve driving down to people's and purchasing the ring - while I spoke with Tony."

Gasps could be heard throughout the room but all you could do was giggle at Bucky's use of your fathers chosen name. "You spoke to Tony?" Bruce questioned, looking between the two most uncommon people to be left alone together.

"I hold no ill will towards the Tin man," Tony admitted, his eyes falling on the couple. "Without him I wouldn't be expecting my first grandchild and (Y/n) wouldn't be as happy as she is today. I have nothing but gratitude for this man."

"I knew from the day that I met, (Y/n), I think I knew she was always going to be more than just a friend to me," Barnes mused, honesty dripping in his voice as he gazed upon his beautiful fiancé. "She was the only person to see me as a man and not the monster I was forced to be. Maybe it was because she felt as broken as I looked and felt. It never made sense but I don't care - I am completely in love with (Y/n)(Y/m/n) Stark, and I wouldn't trade it for anything."

You couldn't stop yourself this time from planting a kiss to the taller man's lips as he proudly told everyone how much he loved you.

Sam could be heard fake gagging as his friend made the most cringeworthy speech he had ever listened to. Truthfully - he admired his friend for being so open about being in love. It's what he aspired to find, but for now he would continue to mercilessly tease his friend.

Once the excitement of the moment died down - everyone made their way to the living room so that they could sit. Laughter could be heard throughout the house, gluing a smile on your face. The happiness that filled your home was all you wanted growing up -  you may no longer be a child but being able to give everyone that feeling was worth so much more.

You managed to escape the crowd - hiding out in your favorite place in silence. At least you thought you were hiding until Natasha entered the sunroom causing you to startle.


Looking towards the voice you smiled at her. "This pregnancy is going to kick my ass." You mused, your hand falling to the small bump.

"If anyone can grow a super baby, it's definitely Tony Stark's daughter," Nat encouraged, sitting in the chair opposite you. For a little while, nothing else was said between the two friends - they just enjoyed each other's company until finally Natasha had the nerve to speak again.

"Everything is happening so quickly," she spoke just above a whisper.

"Everything is finally going right." You responded, reaching for your friend's hand. "Until James, nothing in my life went right. I spent 90% of my time alone in the tower and now I have everything."

"Until you met Barnes you were the most depressed person I knew, (Y/n), and that says a lot. I know a lot of depressed people," Nat jokes, her eyes focused on the thinning crowd on the other side of the glass.

"Thank you for convincing me to stay." It was the first time you said it - before the blip you had your bags packed and ready to leave everyone at the tower behind. Natasha caught you and managed to talk you out of leaving - everything you had, you owed to the redhead sitting across from you.

"You never have to thank me for helping you," Nat smiled. "Now, enough with the heart to heart. You're fading quickly and I'm sure your fiancée is wondering where you've run off too." You and Natasha both stood up and made your way back into the house where your father, Pepper, James, Morgan, and Steve were.

After many pleasantries, James and you managed to say goodnight to the rest of the gang. Crawling into bed, James wrapped his flesh arm around you, holding you to his chest. Nothing was said as you focused on his heart beat that lured you into a deep sleep.


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