Part 17: I Vow I Will Always Be Yours

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You and James wanted to get married as fast as the two of you could. When you announced that you wanted to get married on New Year's Eve - not wanting to go into the new year without being Mrs. James Barnes - everyone panicked. No one knew how they would get your wedding planned in 6 days, but to Pepper it was the only event necessary.

At first Pepper had no idea how to go about planning the wedding. Neither you or James were extravagant people. Then you surprised her by approaching her with a scrapbook you created as a young child - when you used to dream about your wedding. It held everything that you dreamed would be at your wedding, right down to the color scheme and music. With that, Pepper set off to plan the wedding of your dreams.

Five days from the wedding you and James found yourself inside Peoples Jewelers. You had an amazing engagement ring, but now you needed wedding bands. You and James spoke to a jeweler named Maxwell, who pointed you towards a diamond band that matched your engagement ring, and a simple white gold wedding band with the words 'always yours,' engraved.  As you held the bag with your rings, you couldn't help but shed a few happy tears.

Three days before the wedding, You, Natasha, Wanda, and Yelena went dress shopping. When speaking to the stylists they were just as surprised as your friends were to learn how quick you and James were getting married. It didn't stop the stylist from finding you a dress that made you feel like a princess. She matched it with a veil and a tiara that would complement the soft curls you had planned.

You and James held a rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding. Everyone enjoyed a steak dinner, as they reminisced about a time when you would refuse to leave your bedroom. Not even to eat - Pepper had to feed you through the doggy door you had installed for your former cat. There was so much laughter among your family and friends that when you went home, you were exhausted. The exhaustion didn't stop James and you from having a very intimate shower together, one that had him carrying you to bed.

When mid-afternoon came, you and James were quickly separated by Steve and Yelena. James was being dragged off to have a drink with Steve and Tony, and get dressed for the afternoon ceremony. Pepper had the best hair stylist in town scheduled to do your hair at  2 pm - and by 11:45 p.m, you were standing in the garden at the house Tony had built for you.

Your father had tears in his eyes as he took in the sight of you in a wedding dress. Tony always knew you would find love faster than he did, even during the days when he wasn't the kindest. To be a part of your special day made it all the more beautiful because two years ago you would never have invited him.

"Thank you."

At first you were confused by your fathers sudden manners. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, up until a year ago I didn't deserve to be invited to your wedding," it was an honest statement that you knew Tony hated saying. "For you to give me the pleasure of walking you through the garden - I have to thank you sweetheart."

You could feel your eyes burning as your fathers words caught you off guard. "I wouldn't have it any other way." It was true - because having your father at your wedding was a dream, something that was once unachievable. "Now - will you please give me away."

It wasn't a question - it was a statement that had Tony holding out his arm for you to hold. When Happy gave the signal to the pianist to start playing - you and your father started to make your way towards the next chapter of your life.

The garden was decorated with multiple pergolas, lights hung from the pine bows that covered the roof. The makeshift isle had white rose petals scattered across the ground, showing the way to the man you would spend the rest of your life with. At the end of the isle covered in rose petals, stood your soldier in his black suit watching as you made your way to him. Tears welled in James' eyes as he realized he was finally getting his happy ending - something he didn't know he deserved until you.

As the first of Tony's tears fell, it was when he placed your small hand into James Barnes' larger hand. With a head nod, James knew everything Tony had to say, but didn't have time to.

With watery smiles, you and James faced each other. "To start off this beautiful night, I would personally like you to thank you all for coming tonight to share in this wonderful occasion. Tonight we are here together to unite Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes and (Y/F/n) (Y/M/n) Stark, in what I know will be a joyful, happy, and loving marriage." For someone who started as an A.I system, Vision always knew what to say to make you swoon. With the pregnancy hormones, all you wanted to do was bawl your eyes out. "I was told you had written your own vows."

With a chuckle, you nodded - anxious to hear what James had written. Awkwardly James pulled a crumpled up piece of paper of his pocket, his eyes scanning it to make sure it was what he was looking for. Clearing his throat, he began.

"Doll, (Y/n), If anyone told me in 2016, when you and I first met that you would have turned out to be the love of my life - I would have told them they were lying." Taking a moment to gather himself, the paper crinkled a little louder under his grasp. "Then you were the first person to become my friend in the tower. The only person to see the man beneath all the damage - and treat me as that man. You made me laugh, and very quickly you had me falling in love with you."

"With you, I was a better person and because of that I wanted you.  Then you kissed me, and I knew that day (Y/n) Stark, that I would love you until my last breath. I knew that I would do anything to make sure you always knew you were loved. Today, I am solidifying that."

You knew that if you let the tears fall, they would never stop. Giving James' flesh hand a squeeze last time as you tried to gain your composure.

"Wow, James, that was just -" you stumbled before you managed to figure out what you wanted to say. "When I met you I was at my lowest - I felt alone, and depressed. All the time. Then you came along and you stuck by my side,  even if you didn't say anything and just read a book - suddenly I didn't feel so alone."

You couldn't stop the chuckle from escaping you as you looked him in the eye. "And that scared the shit out of me. So I convinced myself that wasn't true, until a dear friend of mine called me out on it and my father got sick . I realized fighting my feelings could end randomly and couldn't do it anymore. I wanted you, James." That didn't feel right. "I needed you."

If it wasn't for Vision continuing on, you would have gotten lost staring into James eyes. "A ring is an unbroken circle, with ends that have been joined together, and it represents your union. It is a symbol of infinity, and of your infinite love. When you look at these rings on your hands, be reminded of this moment, your commitment, and the love you now feel for each other. Sergeant Barnes, place the ring on (Y/n)'s finger and repeat after me."

James pulled the diamond band out of his suit pocket, and placed the ring on your finger. "[Y/n], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever." 

As James repeated the words to you, all you could focus on was the way his lips moved as he said the words.

Without missing a beat, you cycled back the same words. "James, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever." Your throat was raw from the tears you were holding back, and every nerve in your body was hot as you slid the ring onto James' flesh finger.

With a lighter and more excited tone to his voice, Vision began the proclamation. "Before these witnesses, you have pledged to be joined in marriage. You have now sealed this pledge with your wedding rings. By the authority vested in me by the great State of New York, I now pronounce you married!"  Vision gave a pregnant pause, knowing the eager look in either of your eyes before continuing. "You may now kiss the bride."

With little restraint - James pulled you to him, crashing your lips to his and smudging your pink lipstick. The room of family and friends erupted into cheers, but their cheers were like white noise to the newly married couple. When the kiss was broken you couldn't help but whine at the loss of his lips on yours.

By the time the ceremony had come to a complete end it was nearing 1:30 am, on January 1st. Everyone was feeling the exhaustion set in - and after getting a personal congratulations from everyone, the now married couple were finally left alone in their home.


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