Part 13: I Don't Wanna Look At Anything Else Now That I Saw You

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When you opened your eyes you were met with the steel blue eyes that belonged to your favorite man. James was sitting on the uncomfortable chair as he watched you sleep, waiting patiently for you to open your eyes. Tony had gone home after Pepper had called, something about Morgan wanting to come see her sister. So Tony went home to explain the situation to his wife without telling her the big secret.

"Baby doll," James whispered, brushing your hair out of your face as he got closer to you.

"Am I dreaming?" You mumbled, furrowing your eyebrows at the man.

"No, no," James chuckled before placing a kiss on your forehead. "Your father managed to get me extracted. My best girl apparently wasn't feeling so good and everyone was scared."

"Speaking of which," you tried to get up only to realize your hand was trapped by an I.V. "Where is that doctor?"

"Listen, he's already been by," James started hoping you would stop your shenanigans and relax. "To start, you're okay."

"But I was so sick," you mumbled, remembering the feeling of death. "I thought I was going to die."

"Yeah well," the smile on James' face calmed you. "I'm not sure how you are going to take this- we've never even talked about whether or not we wanted a family-"

"James," you interrupted, his rambling confusing you even more.

"You're suffering from Hyperemesis gravidarum," You  didn't understand the meaning at first. "It's a symptom of pregnancy." Your heart stopped.

"Can you repeat that last part?" You spat out, unsure if you heard him correctly.

"We're having a baby," James finally voiced for the first time since he had found out 4 hours ago. "You're pregnant, doll." You thought you would be scared the day you found out you were expecting but looking at the face of the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, all you felt was excitement.

"We're having a baby," you voiced back, the joy clear in your hoarse voice. Within seconds James had crossed the distance to press his lips to yours - yes they were having a baby. One that was conceived out of love and trust, something that was sure to transfer to whatever child that was to come.

It took a couple of days for you to come to terms with the reality of the situation. You and James were so excited - the fetus growing inside you was something neither of you could have ever expected. Both resigned to never having a family, so the conversation was never had. Now you were living a dream neither of you realized you had.

The tricky part came to avoiding your friends until the first ultrasound - especially Wanda. You wanted to be sure that everything was good before you told the rest of the family. Thankfully your father has been covering for you, everyone still assumed that James was out on a mission.

"Are you ready?" James came into the bedroom that you shared, the brightest smile on his face as he eagerly waited for you to get ready. After a few agonizing days, you both were headed for the first appointment after your admittance to the ER.

"With you by my side?" You mused, walking to wrap your arms around his neck. "Always." Already leaning in, James closed the distance between yours lips before quickly breaking the kiss.

James wrapped his large flesh hand around your smaller one before looking you in the eye. "Let's go see this baby." With a nod, you both rushed across the property in the sports car. Neither of them liked keeping something from the rest of the gang, so the sooner you got the okay, the sooner they could let everyone else in on the news.

It might have been a coincidence but it seemed that the doctor was waiting for the two of you. The woman in question quickly greeted the both of you, leading you to a room where you would usually get a PAP or STI test done, except this one had pictures of gestational development stages. Looking over at your lover who seemed to be inspecting the pamphlets, you couldn't help but taunt him a little.

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