5. You're hopeless

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No one knew what to say after you had left the room - Steve was in shock, he knew Tony, and you were indifferent. He just didn't think it had gone this far. Nat was ready to kill, and Bruce felt he no longer knew who his best friend was. "Maybe Y/n was right." Banner's voice surprised everyone, causing their attention to go to the good Dr.

"That girl used to try so hard," Banner finally had enough. "She worked her ass off just to please you, because she wanted to make you proud."

"What are you saying?" Tony knew exactly what Banner was getting at. After becoming the hulk, Banner lost the ability to have children. For years Banner envied what Tony had but never appreciated, seeing how badly Tony treated his firstborn annoyed him in a personal sense.

"I'm saying I don't think Y/n has any fight left in her." For years you worked hard to get Tony to notice how smart you were. For any type of reaction, so that you could see that Tony at least cared for you. It never came. "Don't you realize that she sees how different you are with Morgan? Don't get me wrong, it's amazing how good you are with her but she never got that. She's used to you running from her, just this time shes given up. You win." There were tears in Banner's eyes, in everyone's eyes as they finally stood up for you.

Upstairs on your private floor, you and James lay on the sofa, trying to find the energy to become productive members of society. "God I hate this feeling," you grumbled, your arm flung across your eyes, blocking the sun out.

"Getting drunk last night was your idea," James responded, his voice muffled by the couch cushion.

Rolling onto your stomach to face him, you couldn't stop the smile that spread across your face. "You didn't try to stop me." For some reason, you felt the need to be closer to him. "Why didn't you try to stop me?"

"To make you happy."

It was a pure response, one that warmed your heart tenfold. Suddenly feeling nervous, you scrambled to your feet. "I need to go talk to Nat," you lied, needing some distance. "Tell her to lay off Tony." As much as you hated your father, you couldn't have the team fighting, especially not when the crew just fixed things after Civil War.

Walking out, you ran to the elevator, heading downstairs to the dooms. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, tell Natasha that I'm waiting for her in her room."

"Yes Miss. Stark."

"Thank you," walking out of the elevator and into the small apartment-like room.

Every nerve in your body tingled in a way you hadn't felt in years. It scared you, but in a good way. In a rush, the redhead came barrelling through the door. Concern was written all over her face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," you lied, pointing to the chair in front of you.

"Then what do you want?" Now, Nat was confused. She knew that walking out was a sign of only bad things, but this was different.

"Let Tony go," you were still pissed beyond belief, but it was hopeless. Begging a man to notice you wasn't what you wanted to do anymore and that included your father. "He's happy, that little girl loves him and well, it's okay."

"It was never okay, Y/n."

Nodding your head, you acknowledged what she said. "You're right, it wasn't. I'm just done trying to be what he wants, and that clearly was never me. I just want to live my life, my way."

Your smile matched Nat's as she seemed to accept your reasoning. "Does this new life have anything to do with a 6 foot, brown haired, blue eyed, metal arm man? Y'know the one that looks at you like you're the best since sliced bread." It was a joke, but you couldn't stop your cheeks from burning up.

"James is just a friend," you urged, quickly shutting down the thought of anything other than friendship.

"You're the only one that he allows to call him James."

"Nat...I'm no good for him," you answered, you came with baggage. You went with a father who hated the ground James walked on. "He's an amazing person if he lets someone in."

"Sweetheart," Nat paused, walking towards you, resting her hands on either side of your face. "He let you in. Even after his time in Wakanda, he never opened up to Steve."

For a while, you thought about this. You knew James looked to you for guidance a lot of the time, but you never considered the possibility. He was James Barnes, a war vet with a heart of gold; you were unwanted most of the time, maybe even a little obnoxious and annoying.

Quietly, you leave the room. You needed some air and space. You didn't know where you were headed, but you needed to get away from the compound. Your car zoomed through the streets that led you away from the building. Nothing else mattered but you and the speed of your vehicle. You ended up at the very first home that you and Tony shared together without realizing it. Parking in the street, you couldn't help but stare.

You were daddy's little girl from the second you arrived at his doorstep. To you, the dark-haired man had saved you from your traumatizing mother. He was your hero. "Come on little one," Tony spoke softly, ushering you into the living room.

You ran ahead of him as far as your little legs could run. "Daddy!" You loved him. As quickly as he could, Tony scooped you up in his arms with a smile on his face. You screamed in surprise, laughter flooding the small room.

"I got you baby girl," he mumbled before sitting on the sectional with you. "I always got you."

You didn't mean to, but your mind wandered. You were remembering a time when Tony cared, only torturing yourself over the failed relationship. Making a final decision, this was the final time you would cry over your absent father. Driving away, you intended on going to the closest bar. 

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