thirty six

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Dottore lead y/n through the woods. A few fatui agents and skirmishers following with them as they all got new orders for a rescue mission.

None of them dared to ask any questions. They were given their orders, so they will be sure to follow them through.

"How much farther," y/n asked panting a bit. Her hand holding Dottore's hand as tightly as possible.

"It should be just up ahead."

And true enough, a clearing could be seen through the thicket of trees. Deciding to rush headlong into what could be a trap. The group finds themselves in front of sacrificial alter. Laphi laying in the middle of it. Dottore motioned for his agents to stand by and to stay back. He didn't need piss ants to get in his way.

"Hah, I knew you would come here. Even when I expressly told you to stay out of my way."

Y/n's relief in seeing Laphi uninjured was soon to vanish when she saw Arthur. A smirk flitting upon his lips as he watched the group with amusement.

"I'll distract him," Dottore whispered to her, causing her to momentarily glance at him, "and while I do that, get to your brother and get out of here."

"But what about you and your agents?"

He gave her smile.

"It's a bit too early for you to be worrying about me."

Letting go of her hand, a weapon materialized into his grip. His whole form radiating a sense of danger and bloodlust.

"You know," Arthur began, "I'm more surprised of you joining in this little meeting though, Dottore. To think that you would actually help out y/n here. Let me guess, did she offer you something?"

Arthur taunted the doctor. His own weapon being placed into his hand.

"Was it something to do with rare materials? Maybe she offered herself as a test subject? Please do tell me the reason as to why you are even bothering with this affair!"

He laughed hysterically. His eyes showing a deeper madness than Dottore.

Dottore gave a taunting smirk of his own.

"What if I told you that I just wanted to mess with you? Would that get you angry enough?"

Arthur's smile shifted into an angry scowl.

"You dare mock me?"

"To be fair, you mocked us first."

Dottore could barely finish hus sentence when they locked blades with each other.

Y/n decided to make her move. She wondered about the outskirts of the small battlefield. Her focus solely on Laphi.

The fight, all the while, was getting intense. Their swords clashed and the metal sparked together.

Y/n tried her best to not worry for Dottore's safety.

Finally getting to the alter, she climbed atop of it, crawling to her brother as quickly as possible.


She was glad to be able to hold him again. Her hand gently pushing his bangs away from his eyes.

She tried to wake him up. His hands lightly shaking him in case he was injured and she couldn't see it.

"Laphi, please. We need to get out of here."

She called out to him again. His breaths were even and deep. He wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

"I'll just have to-"

"Carry him, right?"

She froze up on the spot when the sound of tearing and ripping of flesh entered her ears. Blood splattering across her clothes when a blade tore through her chest.

She coughed as the sword was then easily pulled out and Arthur grabbed a fistful of her hair and easily pulled lifted her up.

"Damn you, Arthur!"

Dottore yelled as he held his own cheat that was slashed deeply. His free hand grabbing at his bag and discarding it off to the side so he would have easier movement.

Arthur, ignoring Dottore, lifted y/n up by her hair.

"I tried to warn you not to interfere, y/n... a shame you didn't listen."

He tossed her a bit before landing a swift kick into her stomach and sending her flying off to the side. A sputter of blood leaving her lips the moment she felt his foot land into her stomach.

Damn.. it.

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