thirty three

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"We'll rest here."

They had left Snezhnaya a little while ago. Before they had left though, Dottore wouldn't stop messing with her.

He would constantly try to get her attention be it with a new idea for an experiment or by wanting to show her other parts of his lab. She, of course, would indulge his antics and would usually find herself running around with him.

There was also the teasing. They could be doing anything together and he would act like he was about to kiss her and then pull away at the last second.

It got to the point where she would try to grab at the collar of this shirt and pull him in forcefully, but he would always laugh and escape her.

Saying, "I'm not going to kiss you here, y/n," or something else along the lines of that. Even adding a laugh here and there to lighten the mood.

And often times she would catch blatantly staring at her. As if he found something new on her to which he just had to look at and analyze. And when he was done, most likely satisfied with what he was trying to distinguish.


He still confused her to no end. Not that she minded. Because she gets to learn about him too.

For instance, he hates being complimented on how young he looks. To be completely honest, she didn't understand the problem at first, but once she knew that he had many clones and that this version of himself had to  be a clone of the original too, well, I guess when it comes to having to achieve a goal for so long that being called young wouldn't really be a compliment anymore.

Nonetheless, their packing went without a hitch. And the moment that they left Snezhnaya it took them a week or so to finally get to Mondstadt, but it took even longer to get to the forest hidden deep within Mondstadt's borders to the point that the two decided to take a rest a long rest before continuing.

Y/n's reason for stopping was because she didn't want to be tired when she would get to see Laphi again.

But in reality, she just wanted to see if Dottore would kiss her under the stars.

Sitting together by a fire, Dottore had ordered his men to stand by (and a little far away) so him and y/n could be alone, and if he caught any of them snooping around then he would make them his new test subjects.

"You didn't have to be mean about it you know," y/n said with a laugh as she watched a few skirmishers skulk away. Almost as of being threatened by Dottore wasn't anything new to them.

"Hmph, you would be surprised how many people would like to get their hands on my work."

"Work? Wait.. what exactly did you pack in your bags anyway? Please tell you packed basic hygiene stuff-"

He ruffled through the nearest bag he brought with him near the fire. And in a few quick seconds he pulled out the vile with the enhanced formula within it.

"Ehh...? Isn't that kind of important Dottore? Why would you bring it with you?"

Dottore gave a smirk, "it's like i said, anyone would want to get a hold of this once they knew what it was. Besides, I may find the perfect test subject in your village to try it on-"

"No way!"

He gave her a look, "why not?"

"Cause you already killed Mr. Alexei! They don't need to find out about that and then banish me, ok?!"

"And here i thought you didn't mind being with me."

She slapped her forehead. He's unbelievable sometimes.

Nah, he just likes fucking with her.

"I mean it Dottore. No more experiments on any villagers."

"Fine, fine. Oh, that reminds me..."


She really didn't want to ask though.

"What exactly will we be planning to tell your brother?"


She didn't think of that, to be honest.

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