twenty eight

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Two weeks and three days. Dottore claimed to be busy and y/n claimed to be reading a really good book that she just couldn't put down.

But in reality.

They were thinking.

It was obvious as to what Dottore wanted. He wanted her. All of her. Only her. He wanted to achieve his goal, but he also wanted her to watch him do it. He didn't need her sign of approval though. He just .. he just  wanted her. If the mad scientist could be romantic and just a little normal, maybe he wouldn't have such a hard time in expressing his absolute obsession over her.


There was y/n.

She could leave at any time she wanted and she highly doubted Dottore would stop her now that they've staying with one another for so long. At the beginning, when she was first brought here, she would find herself looking at the entrance every now and again, but something in her would tell her to stay. He wasn't hurting her. He only threatened her once, and that was when he showed her Mr. Alexei.

She was taken from her home. From Laphi. Arthur was buried alive, and he probably escaped death by digging himself out.

He's kind to her. Teasing even. And he touches her .. a lot.

He shows no shame when speaking of his madness and his goals. As if he wants her to know. Needs her to know. Or maybe he wasn't all that secretive with his goal to begin with.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she thought of the type of person he is. She didn't know a lot about him. Except for the few facts that he was insane, held no regard or care towards human life, wanted to make an enhanced human who could rival the archons, hated visions, and .. and apparently saved her and Laphi in the past (granted he was just curious at the time, but he still saved them-).

"He really is a terrible person," she muttered, "not because he saved me and my brother, but because of the other things he did. Heh... he probably did even worse stuff before he met me..."

Opening her eyes, she fell back into her bed and stared up at the ceiling. Doing this felt like a routine by this point. Laying down and thinking that is.

"If I love him, will I be seen as a terrible person?"

She thought over the question a little, and she suddenly had the urge to laugh.

"Who in the hell is going to judge me anyway?!"

Her brother was one. But it wasn't like anyone else knew her, or cared about her, or managed her life. The villagers would probably curse her name, but it wasn't like she conversed with them anyway.

Besides, he was hot. Yes, he was very dangerous, but it wasn't like he was going to hurt her.

And even if she didn't understand the science behind everything, she was slightly curious to see how he intended to make an enhanced human. Granted, she didn't like the idea of hurting others, but-

She laughed again at her thoughts, something must be wrong with her to want such a man.

She couldn't make any logic out of the decision she was accepting.

She couldn't make sense of it at all.

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