Chapter 01 The Contest

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The fighting arena was full of people who were chatting about the fight that was about to commence. Their voices held certainty about people they thought would win. This particular contest was even vacant for women but most of them were held back because of the rumors surrounding the king.

His ruthlessness was known throughout the world. Rumors had it that, he kills any guard that makes even the tiniest of mistakes. Even male guards don't have it easy let alone a woman. Most women would rather not partake in such a nightmare. The worst thing is that your life would be at stake during the contest. You can be killed.

Some men would rather not contest for the position of being his guard where they could lose their lives for nothing. People were still pouring in as this particular fight had something that most contests don't. It is astonishing to the extent that they couldn't understand how such a thing could happen. There were ten women among the men.

Behind a tinted glass window stood a tall beautiful man, with silver hair which reached his mid-back. His transparent emerald eyes scanned the arena coldly. His high cheekbones and sharp jawline were a sight to behold. A straight nose that would have the fingers of women itching to be touched sat between cheeks and above his very red lips but no woman would dare touch him. His thick brows furrowed ever so slightly as he looked to be in deep thought.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, as he turned around a slight sigh escaped his thin lips. "Come in," the man said sitting in his black leather chair behind his desk. His arms rested on the surface of the mahogany desk as a man with soft golden eyes walked in. This man has soft curly dark hair with high cheekbones, thin pink lips, and a straight nose. His jawline looked strong and his muscles flexed as he walked towards the man sitting in his leather chair leisurely.

"Everything is ready," the man who just walked in said with a tired sigh. He has been making sure everything is for the contest and he's darn tired.

"How many do we have?" the green-eyed man asked leaning back in his chair.

"We have thirty of them. Ten women but there's a girl among them," the golden-eyed man replied with a chuckle. The other man looked shocked at the news.

"A girl or a woman?" He asked the smiling man with raised brows. No offense but the golden eye man can be delusional sometimes.

"A girl, a calm innocent girl. The innocence is all over her and the way the men keep checking her out is hilarious because they can't approach her for some reason," the young man replied with another chuckle.

"Let's go. I want to see what she got, Kelsey," the man said standing up while Kelsey's jaw dropped in surprise. But before he could ask why he was suddenly interested in seeing her, he walked out.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Kelsey muttered walking out and closing the door behind him.

Both men walked down the hallway and exited the building. One with anticipation and the other with confusion. Kelsey knows his majesty and friend very well. He has never been interested in such contests, he always sat behind his tinted window and watched from the office. He later sends the results about who should be part of his guards and who shouldn't so his sudden interest in this girl is mind-boggling for him. Even his lycan agreed to his thoughts.

The people who came to fight would be in pairs. They would fight and get evicted if they were not what the king was looking for. The eviction would be until it remains four of the fighters. Who would fight singly and also get evicted? Only one person would be the guard the king needs but if the remaining three are lucky, they would be chosen as well but would be part of other low-ranking guards.

They walked into the arena and the silver-haired man went to a seat just ten steps away from the fighting ring while Kelsey went into the ring. The audience gasped seeing the king in the open, shocked that he was present among them, some looked terrified for merely seeing him in flesh and blood. The King's eyes scanned the fighters who were sitting on his left-hand side. Some of the male fighters a shitless and only had on their sweatpants, his eyes continued to scan them as he looked for the female his friend mentioned.

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