Iwaldi, Hnoss and Freyr

Start from the beginning

Iwaldi, Hnoss, and Freyr rode their horses once more. There was an uncomfortable silence between them, however. "Father, what that farmer said was utter bullshit." Gersemi signed. Freyr raised his eyebrows at this. Iwaldi kept his focus on the road ahead. "I don't believe my people would lie to me, Hnoss. If you are to be the protector of the realm, you need to keep an open mind." Iwaldi spoke. Hnoss nodded and turned her eyes back on the path. 

Suddenly, a thundering roar stopped them. Freyr jumped off the horse, looking to his left. There was a big gaping hole in the mountain. Hnoss looked at the entrance, spying on the lamb's missing head. "Oh my," Iwaldi signed as he spoke. "It seems we've stumbled upon the lair." Freyr raised an eyebrow. Thank you, father. I would have never known

Hnoss rolled her eyes at the two men. The three prepared themselves for a fierce battle. With their weapons drawn and their hearts filled with courage, they carefully approached the lair, ready to defend their kingdom and restore peace to their land. But they stopped at the entrance. Hnoss nudged Freyr. "You go first, you're the eldest child." She signed. Freyr's eyes widened in disbelief. You want to be 'protector of the realm', so, oh great protector, protect us. Freyr gestured angrily. 

Iwaldi nodded. "Yes, Hnoss, why don't you go first." He agreed. Hnoss scoffed. "Fine. It only proves I'm not a coward." She hissed. She began to walk towards the hole when another roar made her jump back. Thundering footsteps came bounding out of the lair, making Hnoss's blood run cold. Out emerged the troll, a large, ugly creature with long, sharp claws and a fierce, intimidating presence. 

The three stared at the troll in awe. The troll stared back, and for a while, there was an awkward silence between the four beings. Iwaldi cleared his throat, seeing the troll had not attacked them yet. "Hello." He began. The troll turned its attention to him. "I am Iwaldi, son of Vidar and Skuld, Loyal husband to Freya, the god of war, King of Vanaheim." He introduced himself. "And who might you be?" 

The troll sat down, making a loud thud when he did. "I am Ve." he bellowed. It's lovely to meet you, Ve. Freyr smiled. The troll pointed to him, and Hnoss stepped in front of her brother, sword drawn. Iwaldi cleared his throat, and Hnoss hesitantly lowered her blade. "Why does that one mock me?" Ve asked. Iwaldi chuckled. "It is no form of mockery. My son lost his hearing in a battle long ago, and that is how he speaks. He just said it was nice to meet you." The king informed. 

"Ah. So you're the king, who are those two bastards?" Hnoss glared at the troll. "Have a care of how you speak to your princess, beast," she growled. Freyr elbowed her. "And prince." Iwaldi sighed. "You must excuse my daughter, Hnoss. She is short-tempered." Hnoss turned her glare to her father. "Why have you come, son of Vidar?" Ve questioned. "I've come to ask you to stop terrorizing my kingdom." 

"It's not my fault they scare easy."

"Yes, well, please stop doing that." 

"I just go in at least once a day to get food." 

"One of my subjects said you came to the village in the dead of night."

"Midnight snack!" 

"Alright, enough!" Hnoss shouted, making Iwaldi and Ve look at her. "What are you doing outside of the land of giants? And why here, of all places?" Ve sighed. "Look, I'm so sorry for overstaying my welcome, but I am looking for a Vanir who goes by the name Atla." We know Atla, she's a friend. Why are you looking for her? Freyr signed. "What's he saying?" Ve asked. "He says we know her and wants to know why you're looking for her." Hnoss translated. 

"She visited Jotunheim an about a few hundred years ago, you know when the war was still goin' on, and we made the mistake of trusting her. In the end, she stole our thunderbird and took off." Ve explained. "Surely you aren't here to kill her?" Iwaldi asked. Ve shook his head. "I don't like killing people, so I'm just going to take the bird back." He assured. "Why would she steal from you?" Hnoss asked. Ve looked at her. "I don't know, I'm just a loyal servant to the king." 

Ve looked back at Iwaldi. "Oh. Sorry about your daughter, by the way." He whispered, almost afraid of offending the King. Iwaldi looked down. "Thank you," he replied. Ve nodded. "Well, when you see her, could you ask her to please give our Thunderbird back?" He asked. "Why should we? You probably stole it." Hnoss accused. "That's offensive," Ve stated. 

Iwaldi sighed. "Yes, we will find this bird and return it to you. Only if you give me your word that you will leave this realm and return to your own." He bargained. Ve nodded. "Alright. You have three days, Vanir." And with that, he returned to the mountain. Iwaldi and Freyr began to walk back to the horses, while Hnoss stared at the hole. 

"Hnoss," Ve bellowed from inside. "Follow the stairs. Find the fake." He admonished. Hnoss looked confused. "What?" she asked. But the troll said nothing. "Hnoss, are you coming?" her father called. Hnoss took one last look at the hole, then left with her Brother and Father. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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