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A few weeks ago, Siyoung didn't expect that waking up in someone's embrace could be so pleasant, yet here she was. In bed with Jinyoung, who held her firmly around the waist as if afraid she'd disappear. But Siyoung had no plans of leaving. That was the last thing she wanted. His presence brought out the best in her, and she decided to give him a chance. So far, it seemed like the right decision. Two days had passed since they started dating, and Siyoung couldn't be happier. Jinyoung treated her like a princess – until it was starting to feel silly to her.

"Why are you up already? It's still early," Siyoung startled as Jinyoung spoke to her. His voice was muffled as he rested his head against Siyoung's back.

"It's two in the afternoon, nothing about this is early," Siyoung laughed, turning to see Jinyoung. He still lay there with his eyes closed, hair all over the place and even on his face. Siyoung smiled, brushed the hair away from his face, and gave him a quick, gentle kiss on the lips. Jinyoung smiled when Siyoung pulled back, puckering his lips for another. "After you take a shower, because you smell," the singer teased, playfully swatting his hand, and got up, heading towards the bathroom.

"Wow, is that how you treat your boyfriend?" Jinyoung finally opened his eyes, looking hurt as he gazed at Siyoung, who was pulling out clothes from the closet. She paused, looking at him, a soldier who had managed to sprawl across the entire bed in the short time she got up – yes, even on her side. The audacity. But let's be honest, she often sprawled across his side too. 

"I like the sound of that," Siyoung replied instead.


"Calling you my boyfriend," she smiled, disappearing into the bathroom. She locked the door, fearing he might barge in while she showered, not wanting any surprises. She was startled when she caught her reflection in the mirror. She hadn't realized she blushed, and certainly not this much. She didn't understand why she blushed; she felt no embarrassment, and he hadn't said anything suggestive. Blushing just because she called him her boyfriend? Seriously?

"You're not alone here, Siyoung. I want to shower too," Jinyoung snapped her out of her daze, knocking on the door. She gave her reflection one last look before starting to undress, deciding to take her shower.

After Jinyoung finished showering, they both sat on the terrace. It had become their spot, where they would sit every morning and evening. Jinyoung often sat in silence, observing Siyoung as she worked on songs – he didn't mind that she always had headphones on, so he couldn't hear anything. It didn't matter to him because what mattered most was Siyoung, and that's what he saw and cared about.

"So, are we making that bonfire today?" Jinyoung asked, gazing out at the sea, which looked particularly calm today. He'd jump into it immediately, something he'd do as soon as they decided on their plans for the day.

"Sure, we'll make a bonfire, relax, maybe sing a bit, and then I thought I'd set up the projector and we could watch a movie," Siyoung agreed. "I know you'll agree to whatever movie I want to watch, but let's try to pick something we both like so we don't get bored, alright?"

"You're going to fall asleep during it anyway, so it doesn't really matter what movie it is, right?" Jinyoung chuckled, earning himself a playful nudge from Siyoung. She shook her head and smiled, because he was right. No matter how much she loved a movie, if she started it past ten o'clock, she'd be asleep within ten minutes of it starting.


The duo sat close together, gazing at the fire. Jinyoung had his arm around Siyoung's shoulders, and she leaned against his chest. They were content. The warmth of the fire enveloped them, and a pleasant melody played softly from their mobile phone, quiet enough not to disturb the other neighbors but audible enough for the pair. It was just a little past nine, and Siyoung was already feeling the urge to sleep.

Considering she had struggled with insomnia not too long ago, now all she wanted to do was sleep. Jinyoung was undoubtedly helping her in all aspects, and she'd never forget that. She'd be indebted to him for life, because without him, she'd currently look like a mess and would be running on fumes, surviving on just two hours of sleep. Since meeting Jinyoung, she consistently slept for over seven hours, unless there was no early morning commitment the next day.

"Good evening, mind if we join you?" a couple who had just arrived asked. Siyoung recognized them. They lived right next door. They appeared to be in their sixties, and from what she sometimes overheard from their conversations she didn't intend to listen to, but they always spoke loudly, she knew they had two children who were living off the island, so they were alone now.

"Please, take a seat," Siyoung smiled and pointed to the two extra chairs they had set up by the fire. Jinyoung chuckled as she spread out two more chairs. But who was laughing now? Siyoung certainly hadn't planned for anyone to come, she just set up the chairs in case they wanted to prop their feet up and get more comfortable.

"With Donghyun, we've been observing the two of you for a while now," the lady smiled as she sat down, her husband Donghyun following suit. "You're a beautiful young couple. When did you get married?" she asked. Siyoung and Jinyoung exchanged a confused glance.

"Sorry for Minjung, she thinks you're newlyweds because all she knows is that you recently bought this house, and she assumes only newlyweds would buy a house together," Donghyun apologized for his wife and pointed to the house behind them.

"That house belongs to my friend. He and his wife bought it and wanted to spend their honeymoon here, but something came up, so they'll come another time. We borrowed it from him because Siyoung needed a break from Seoul," Jinyoung explained.

"So, you're not married?" Minjung asked.

"We started dating a few days ago," Siyoung answered.

"Such a shame, you two would look great together. I feel it in my bones that you're meant to be," Minjung turned to Jinyoung, "young man, cherish her and never let her go. Take care of her as if every day were your last. I sense an energy around you both. As if you're supposed to be together for a lifetime. And you," she looked at Siyoung, "you've been through something terrible, but you've overcome it with him. It was fate that brought you together. And fate wants you to be together."

"Apologies for my wife, she believes she has some magical power that lets her sense energy and other nonsense," Donghyun apologized again.

"No need to apologize, it's nice to hear from someone," Siyoung smiled, "don't worry, there are no plans to leave him anytime soon."

"Same here," Jinyoung smiled, "by the way, I'm Jinyoung, and this is my girlfriend, Siyoung."

"They even share the same second half of their names," Minjung looked up at the sky, "you planned this out nicely." Siyoung and Jinyoung exchanged glances and tried to hold back their laughter, not wanting to appear impolite.

The older couple bid farewell to the duo after two hours. In the end, they turned out to be pleasant people who were just lonely after their children moved to Seoul for school and work. Siyoung offered that they could come over anytime to chat if they wanted, assuring them it wouldn't bother them. She said it mostly out of politeness – deep down, she hoped they wouldn't come and would leave them alone. After all, that's what a hiatus is for, to be alone.

"Rocketman?" Jinyoung suggested after a lengthy deliberation on what movie to watch. Siyoung hadn't expected it to take almost twenty minutes for them to choose a movie they would both fall asleep during eventually anyway, so she just nodded, even though she wasn't particularly keen on watching Rocketman. Siyoung set up the screen, while Jinyoung fiddled with the projector and found the movie.

They settled into bean bags they had brought out from inside and started watching the movie. Siyoung fell asleep as soon as Jinyoung put his arm around her, feeling his breath on her neck.

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