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"I'm telling you, if I run into him now, I'll smash my head against the first wall I see," Siyoung was on the phone with Jiwon, who was using this call as an excuse to avoid work – she did it often, but since she works in a research team, nobody minds her taking a few minutes off.

"You can do that at home because I'd really like to record it," her friend on the other end laughed. If she was standing next to her now, she would probably end up on the ground as Siyoung kicked her legs.

"So, I'm just entertainment for you, huh?" Siyoung exclaimed, ignoring the people passing by as she spoke. Yes, she was making a call while jogging along the Han River. When wireless earbuds started appearing, she would have never thought they'd be used for this. She would have never thought they'd be so useful. Now, she could jog and talk on the phone without having to hold her phone in her hand.

"You think you're funny?" Jiwon laughed. In the background, Siyoung heard the laughter of Jiwon's colleagues, who were probably listening to the call since Jiwon was a master of loud phone conversations. Siyoung would bet that her friend had put the call on speaker so she could work while listening, which meant everyone in the lab was now hearing the famous Kang Siyoung talking about some guy. Jiwon sometimes didn't realize how famous her friend was and that some things should remain between them.

"Not just me, but also a few thousand people who consider themselves my fans. Oh, and Boo Seungkwan, Eunkwang, and Changsub also told me that I'm funny," she boasted about her connections to these big names in the world of K-pop idols.

"Shut up," that was all the dark-haired girl on the other side of the call could say to that. Siyoung laughed at her reaction. At that moment, however, she wasn't paying attention and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sor..." the brunette stopped herself when she saw the person she had bumped into, "you again? Are you stalking me?"

"I live nearby and come here to jog," Dex explained as he stood up. He then extended his hand to Siyoung. However, she flinched when his hand approached, as his movement was quick. She was afraid he'd hit her.

Dex paused when he saw how the singer reacted and immediately withdrew his hand. He let her stand up on her own.

"Are you okay?" he took a small, slow step closer to Siyoung, who was trembling. Dex wasn't sure if Siyoung was aware of it – she probably ignored it. She was looking at her hands, and Dex also heard her trying to control her breathing. He would have liked to talk to her a bit, but he said a quick goodbye and ran away instead.

Siyoung couldn't believe what had just happened. Did Dex really understand the whole situation? First, he reached out his hand to her, but when he saw her reaction, he withdrew it. He also took a step towards her, but when he saw her trembling and probably heard her breathing, he decided to say goodbye and leave. Siyoung was sure he wanted to ask something, probably her name, but he didn't when he saw how she was doing.

Could Dex really be different from Seojun?

"I told you he's different from Seojun," her headphones spoke. Siyoung flinched because she had completely forgotten that she was still on a call with her friend.

"How did you know it was him?" Siyoung asked.

"I told you, I'd easily trade my husband for him."

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