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It was the third day. The third day of their three-week trip, and already at this moment, she felt like never before. If she hadn't asked for a hiatus, she'd probably be sitting in the studio right now, where the air would be stuffy, as she hadn't gone out for three long days. But here she was, sitting on the terrace with her laptop, overlooking the sea, and basking in the warm sun. It was one of the best days Siyoung had ever experienced. She didn't want it to end.

"You declined the trip because you wanted to work on songs, but every time I look at you, you're staring at the sea," Jinyoung spoke up, as he was at the beach, digging a hole - just like a typical guy. He just wanted to dig a hole, so he decided to do it.

"I'm drawing inspiration," Siyoung shouted back at him, laughing as Jinyoung shook his head and continued digging. "How deep do you plan on making that hole?" she asked him. He was already at least a meter and a half deep, which was a lot, considering he had been digging for less than an hour. Every time Siyoung glanced at him, she had to smile because he was cute and so innocent. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, he was just digging his hole and ignoring everything and everyone.

"I'll stop when I feel like it's enough," he stuck out his tongue childishly.

"So, I shouldn't count on you for dinner, I get it," Siyoung laughed and opened a new folder to start saving all the ideas that had been swarming her mind since they arrived.

"Hahaha," Jinyoung playfully fired back, not letting it bother him. He continued digging, and maybe he even sped up. Siyoung just smiled, shook her head, and went back to writing songs.

She had just come up with one, and it was fresh in her mind, so she quickly got to work. She started the program and began to create magic. She used a mobile app to craft the melody (piano app). Jinyoung momentarily stopped digging, sat at the edge, and watched the singer in her element. She didn't notice the former soldier watching her. She was so engrossed in her work that her surroundings didn't matter at the moment.

She didn't even notice when Jinyoung walked inside and didn't return for long time. She didn't care what he was doing inside, because she was only interested in the song she was creating. So, it surprised her when a plastic bag full of something delicious appeared in front of her face.

"You've been at it for three hours, how about a little break?" Jinyoung asked, already making his way back to the beach. Siyoung didn't understand him, but when she saw him holding a blanket in his hand, she got it. A beach picnic.

"You prepared all of this for me?" she asked, closing her notebook and walking towards him.

"Don't think so much of yourself," Jinyoung laughed, "I was hungry and unfortunately, you're here too, so I had to buy something for you as well."

"I'm also glad we're here together," Siyoung grinned and sat down on the blanket that Jinyoung had spread out. He sat down as well and began to take things out of the bag. Siyoung helped him because it was taking a while.

"How's the song coming along?" Jinyoung asked and started to slice the watermelon. Siyoung couldn't wait to taste it, as she hadn't had watermelon yet this summer. Due to the diet before the comeback, she had only been eating one meal a day, and it was mostly just salad.

"It's not finished yet, but do you want to hear what I have so far?" Siyoung asked excitedly. She loved it when someone was interested in her music. Jinyoung nodded, so Siyoung got up, grabbed her notebook, and sat back down. This time, next to Jinyoung - their shoulders were touching, and Siyoung felt the warmth where they made contact. She pressed the spacebar. Jinyoung attentively listened to every note, even though he probably didn't understand it at all.

"Maybe I don't understand music as much as you do, but I'm looking at it from a fan's perspective, and believe me, when I tell you this song is going to be a hit," he told her as the song ended. So far, it was just the melody and about two minutes long, completely without lyrics, but Siyoung knew she would finish it today.

"And does it have a name already?" Jinyoung asked when Siyoung didn't say anything and just smiled.

"For now, I call it 'New Feelings'," she told him, "I have an idea that it will be about this," Siyoung pointed to her heart.

"About you?"

"That too, but mainly about my feelings. About how you managed to do something in less than two months that countless people couldn't do in two years," she smiled at Jinyoung, who was listening carefully to every word.

"So, thank you," Siyoung kissed his cheek and continued acting as if nothing had happened, putting a piece of watermelon in her mouth. But Jinyoung didn't want it to end with just a cheek kiss, so he placed his hand on Siyoung's cheek and turned her towards him. In surprise, Siyoung swallowed the watermelon she had put in her mouth a few seconds ago.

"May I?" he asked and watched Siyoung's lips. She nodded slightly.

It didn't even take five seconds, and she felt Jinyoung's lips on hers. Those warm, perfect lips that seemed as if they were made for hers.

Countless butterflies seemed to explode in her stomach. It was an unbelievable feeling that she had missed. She hadn't felt it in a long time, and she was glad she was feeling it now, especially with Jinyoung.

THANK YOU // DEX ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя