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"Do you want to tell me that Dex, that Dex, came to see you, and you didn't say anything and just ran away?" Jiwon repeated what Siyoung had just told her.

Lee Jiwon and Siyoung had been best friends since elementary school, and it lasted even though Jiwon became a neurobiologist (or almost. She's an engineer now, but she's finishing her PhD) and Siyoung a singer. They were so different that they were the same. They had different interests, but they always supported each other and tried to know as much as possible about each other's hobbies so they could talk. They also had entirely different tastes in guys - Jiwon liked slim and tall guys, while Siyoung preferred more muscular ones because she wanted to feel safe with a guy. They were different, but that might have been the reason their friendship lasted so long.

"You know how I am with guys," Siyoung sighed and rested her head on the back of the chair she was sitting in. The chair was a beautiful royal blue color and so comfortable that you felt like you were sitting on a cloud. Jiwon had a knack for choosing good furniture. Siyoung always threatened to steal this very chair from her when she was out of town and do dog-sitting for her.

"Do you mean that trauma? Not all guys are like Seojun. Give someone else a chance, and you'll see," Jiwon smiled, trying to reassure her friend.

"Even with Seojun, you said he was a great guy, and look what happened," Siyoung gestured to herself. She was what happened. Her entire mind was now ruined by that conceited jerk, and her heart was shattered into such tiny pieces that no one might be able to put it back together. Seojun had destroyed her trust in guys so much that before she got used to it, she had a hard time even going on different variety shows - but the problem was that StarShip didn't know about her relationship, so she couldn't tell them to put her on fewer shows. She had to tough it out and pretend she was fine, even when she wasn't.

"I watched Single Inferno, and Dex seemed like a nice guy. He's definitely not like Seojun," Jiwon argued. Siyoung wanted to explain to her that everyone behaves differently in front of cameras - she herself often acted differently in front of the camera than she would off-camera, but she didn't say anything because Jiwon would just come up with another argument, and they'd never stop.

"You can say that when you have Yeonggi," Siyoung said instead, "he's a great guy who loves you more than anything in the world."

"If Dex comes to me, I'm getting a divorce," her friend joked, looking toward the kitchen where Yeonggi was currently cooking dinner.

"I love you too," Yeonggi shouted at her. Siyoung had always envied their relationship. She and Yeonggi had met in high school, and they finally got married a year ago. Their relationship had gone through a few disagreements and even some big fights, but everything always got resolved, and they stayed together, and maybe it even strengthened them. Siyoung had never had such a relationship - it was always up to him and she couldn't talk into anything because a proper girl doesn't meddle in guys' business or have any opinions.

"If you ever meet him again, give him your number and try it. You have nothing to lose, and I promise, if he turns out to be another Seojun, I'll personally kill him, bury him in my parents' garden, and pay for your therapist," Jiwon smiled as she said it.

Siyoung still wasn't sure, though. Does she want to trust another guy? The last time she trusted someone, she ended up with lots of bruises and stitches. But those will heal. What bothered her the most was that she ended up with a broken heart, a completely messed up mind, and a trauma that she might never get rid of - or could she? Maybe Jiwon is right, and a normal guy who treats her like a human, not an animal, would be enough to heal her.

THANK YOU // DEX ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя