chapter thirty-one

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You were sinking.

It felt like you were sinking into the softest sand, like you weighed no more than a feather, laying on the river and flowing peacefully downstream.

Then you blinked.

You forcefully sat yourself up, gasping for air as steam enveloped your surroundings. Giving yourself a once over, you frowned. Nothing looked injured. In fact... all your injuries from before were gone, only scars left in their place.

Was I a Titan?

You clutched at your hair, your head pounding as you tried remember what had happened.

You were fighting the Titans, then you jumped on Falco's back, then you were... saying goodbye to Levi-


Your eyes widened as your head snapped up. People were everywhere, spread out in groups. The first people you saw were Connie, Jean and Reiner, staring at themselves in disbelief.

But where was Levi?

"Y/N!" someone called out in disbelief. You turned your head to see Jean reaching for you from where he was on the ground. "We made it."

You smiled and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, the other reaching for Connie. "We did."

Tears of relief felt like they were spilling from your eyes. You looked to your right and saw Reiner looking at you, confusion in his eyes. With a shaky hand, you reached out, telling him it was okay. Once he'd placed his hand in yours, you pulled him down to join in on the hug.

After a few moments, you stood and scanned the grounds, looking for Levi. He couldn't have gone far. The three boys followed suit, but were looking around with disbelief instead of worry.

Reiner turned to you with urgency. "I saw him. He's over there." He pointed in the direction of a large rock, steam billowing up from the ground, making it hard for you to see if he was actually there.

Deciding to trust him, you took off in that direction. You weren't even thinking, not even as you saw people appearing in the steam - it must've been your imagination. As you moved closer, you realised Reiner was right. Levi was there, leaning against the rock, his head tipped back against it.

A lump formed in your throat when his gaze met yours.

He was looking at you with so much love.

Grinning from ear to ear, you collapsed to the ground next to him, your hands rising to cup his face. "I love you," you blurted out. "I love you so much."

Levi's arms settled on your waist, keeping you steady. "I love you," he said. "You're okay?"

Instead of answering, you threw yourself forward and pressed your lips to his. How could you not be okay? The war was over and you and Levi were together. Everything was perfect.

When you'd realised you were running out of breath, you pulled back and took him in your arms, squeezing tight.

"I thought I lost you," Levi choked out. "I thought-"

He went rigid, squeezing your body with a little too much pressure as he let out a little gasp. Worried, you pulled away, trying to see what was wrong. He was staring at something behind you, and when you looked, your heart shattered.

Your comrades.

All of them were there.

Your old Squad, Moblit, Mike.

And, of course, Hange and Erwin.

Something between a gasp and a sob left your lips as tears filled your eyes. They were all right there.

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