chapter twenty

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Distant chatter woke you from your peaceful slumber, wrapped securely in Levi's embrace. You snuggled closer to him, liking the feeling of his bare skin on yours after weeks.

After your's and Levi's... activities... you both settled down, completely spent. You'd talked for a while about what you had both been up to the past month. It had been hard, talking about Sasha, how lonely you felt without him, everything. But you knew that he'd listen, and you knew that he'd know exactly what to say.

Now that you were awake, you wanted to explore a little. See what's happening around the forest. With as much gentleness as you could, you shook yourself out of Levi's grip. He grumbled slightly in protest, but then fell back asleep.

You looked down at him with a soft smile on your face. Your hand went to his hair, feeling the silky soft strands, a feeling that you'd missed. You leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his brow, then you got up and dressed yourself, getting ready to leave.

You didn't wake Levi. He needed as much rest as he could get. He'd been on high alert for a whole month, and you wanted him to just relax.

It was almost nightfall when you left the tent. The sun was just starting to set, casting an orange glow over the forest.

You walked around, catching up with soldiers that you hadn't spoken to in a while. They were all drinking some type of alcohol - wine, you think - and some of them were already drunk.

As you walked further and talked with more soldiers, a voice from behind you made your whole body freeze up.

"Captain Y/N."

You turned around. Zeke.

You nodded curtly, not wanting to talk to him any longer than you had to.

He smiled, and it was anything but pleasant. "I had no idea you were here. Please, take a seat." He gestured towards the crate in front of him. "When did you arrive?"

You stood still, glaring hard at him.

His gaze dropped, his eyes skimming your body. Your skin crawled, your hands clenching into fists by your sides.

Something on your hand caught his attention. He straightened up. "What a beautiful ring! Who's the lucky man?"

Just when you were about to respond and tell him to fuck off, a hand gripped onto your hip, and you were pulled back into someone's chest.

"Me," Levi's murderous voice snarled from behind you, his grip on your skin tightening with a bruising force.

Zeke smiled wickedly. "Congratulations to the happy couple." He raised a glass of wine towards you both. "Wine?"

Now it was your turn to speak. "No," you hissed, still reeling from the way he looked at you, how it made your insides lurch. "We don't want any fucking wine." Your fingernails dug into your palms, and you were surprised that you didn't start bleeding.

There was silence for a few moments. Zeke's face started to crumple under your glare and the murderous aura surrounding Levi.

"My apologies," Zeke said; it didn't sound apologetic at all. "I thought-"

"If you ever," Levi's voice dripped with venom, "look at my wife again," he snarled. "I'll rip your fucking throat out."

Zeke's face fell, but only for a moment. You didn't get to see it for much longer; Levi was already pulling you away, his grip tight on your wrist.

He stormed into his tent, anger practically oozing out of him. Once inside, he stopped, and you could see him clenching and opening his fists repeatedly, trying to get a hold on himself.

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