chapter twenty-seven

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[Four Years Ago]

[Sexual Content]


Levi's arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you against his chest. You felt his breath on your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You smiled as you placed your hand over his, your attention drifting from Jean and Connie to your new husband behind you. He'd been doing this all night: not going more than five minutes without touching you. "Can we go now?" he breathed in your ear. You smiled. He'd been asking that a lot too.

You turned in his arms and giggled when you saw his frown. All he wanted to do was take you back to the tent and...

You pecked his lips quickly. "Just a little while longer," you said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

He frowned, letting out a frustrated sigh. He'd been waiting to get you alone for hours.

"Come on, Levi," you encouraged. "Hange planned this for us. We have to stay for a while."

Levi stared at you, his demeanor telling you that he wasn't happy with your words.

You sighed. "Just a little longer," you said. Then you leaned into him, your lips brushing his neck as you whispered in his ear. "Then I'm all yours."

Levi grumbled and tightened his grip around your waist, keeping you pressed against him. Right now, he didn't really care about showing affection in front of people. He married you a few hours ago. A little public affection wouldn't hurt.

Hange had planned a wedding reception for you and Levi. You'd had a meal with your friends on the beach, and now you were all standing around, looking at the sunset, talking and laughing. The sky was painted with a mix of pink and blue, creating the perfect atmosphere for this day.

Levi continued to hold you while people around you talked and laughed with each other. You closed your eyes and sighed, enjoying this peaceful moment for as long as it would last.

That was until Hange came barreling into you. "Y/N!" she chirped, pulling you away from Levi. "Do you like it?"

You grinned. "I love it. Thank you."

A loud ruckus and a clatter of plates made your head snap to the side, only to laugh at what you saw. Connie and Sasha were fighting over a rather large piece of cake. She had a spoonful raised to her lips while Connie tried to pry the spoon from her hand. He was yelling and she was squirming, all while Jean and Armin tried to separate the two.

Levi pulled you back into him. "That's our cue to leave."

Hange pouted. "Aw, come on, Levi! Stay for a little longer."

He gave her a blank stare. Hange let out a sad sigh, and his eyes softened. "Thank you for doing all this, Hange. It means a lot."

Hange beamed. You grabbed her hands in yours and held on tight. "Seriously, thank you. I don't... I don't know what I'd do without you."

She smiled sadly and pulled you out of Levi's grip. You fell against her and laughed as she squeezed you a little too tightly.

"We should probably get going," you said, still holding her. "I don't know how much longer Levi will last without dragging me away."

Hange pulled away and grinned. "Have fun," she teased with a playful wink.

Before you even had the chance to respond, Levi pulled you into him, your back pressing against his muscular chest. You felt his lips against the side of your neck. "Mm. Are you ready to go, Mrs. Ackerman?"

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